On this page there are links that detail Embrapa's aims - as defined by Law 5851/1972, goals - as defined by Decree 7766/2012, mission and operations.

The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - EMBRAPA, instituted by Law 5,851, on December 7, 1972, is a public corporation, under the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply.

According to decisions made by the Board of Directors on its 9th General Extraordinary Assembly, held on december 4, 2019, Embrapa’s Bylaw defines the corporation's aims as follows:

I - promote, stimulate, coordinate and perform research & development and innovation activities, with the aim of producing knowledge and technology for the country's agricultural development;

II - promote and execute knowledge and technology transfer activities related to the research & development and innovation actions, performed by the Corporation, as stated above;

III - provide administrative and technical support to other Executive agencies with the attributions of elaborating, guiding and coordinating Brazilian public policy on agriculture and science and technology policies related to the agricultural sector; and

IV - stimulate and promote the operational decentralization of research & development and innovation activities at regional, state, district and city levels through technical-scientific cooperation with organizations with similar purposes.

§1ºThe  Research & Development and Innovation activities stated herein prioritarily comprise the areas of knowledge related to agrarian and biological sciences, agroindustry, and correlated fields, aiming at the development of the agricultural sector.

§2º The knowledge and tecnology transfer activities defined herein do not include educational or technical assistance and rural extension activities.


(As stated by Diário Oficial da União, nº 12, on Jan 17, 2020. Section 1, p.5)

Mission, Vision and Values Mission, Vision and Values


Provide research, development, and innovation solutions for the sustainability of agriculture and for the benefit of Brazilian society.


Be a world reference in the generation and supply of information, knowledge, and technologies, and thus contribute to innovation and sustainability in agriculture and to food security.


The values ​​that guide Embrapa and members' practices and conduct - irrespective of scenario -, and that represent the essential and enduring tenets of the company are:

  • 1

    We work with engagement and responsibility to fulfill our activities.

  • 2

    We value team work, with collaboration and transdisciplinarity

  • 3

    We welcome and value differences in the pursuit of our goals.

  • 4

    We work for the greater good, with integrity and respect to others.

  • 5

    We are committed to our work and make efforts to deliver the best results with the highest quality.

  • 6

    Social-environmental responsibility
    We seek solutions that can return investments to society with due commitment to the environment.

Operations Operations

Embrapa operates through Research and Service Units and Administrative Units, which are present in nearly all Brazilian states and in different biomes.

In order to help build up Brazil's leadership in tropical agriculture, the corporation has especially invested in staff training.

It coordinates the National Agricultural Research System - SNPA, which comprises federal and state public institutions, universities, private companies and foundations that cooperate to conduct research in different geographical areas and fields of scientific knowledge.

Access Embrapa's Master Plan.

Learn about Embrapa's International operations.