In this section you will find Embrapa's institutional and organizational information, comprising roles, duties, organizational structure, list of dignitaries (Who's who) and their schedules, working hours, and legislation.

General Assembly and Boards General Assembly and Boards

Embrapa's General Assembly (AG)

Body that aims at promoting higher clarity and transparency to the decision-making process and precision to the control performed by the bodies below.

Administrative Council (Consad)

Responsible for organizing, controlling, and evaluating Embrapa's activities.

Audit Committee (Coaud) 

Body that supports the Administrative Council in its audit and oversight roles.

National Advisory Council (CAN)

It advises on the definition and feasibility of relevant strategic actions that are relevant for planning Embrapa's schedule.

Fiscal Council (Confis)

It monitors the Corporation's asset, financial, and budget operations.

Personnel, Eligibility, Succession and Compensation Committee (Coele) 

It checks the compliance of the processes of nomination and evaluation of administrators and Fiscal Council members. 

Executive Board

Higher administration body responsible for planning, supervising, coordinating and controlling Embrapa's activities, and for elaborating their policies.