Partnerships with Support Foundations
![]() | FAPED - Research and Development Support Foundation ( |
![]() | FUNDAG - Agricultural Research Support Foundation ( |
![]() | FAPEG - Edmundo Gastal Research and Development Support Foundation ( |
![]() | FUNARBE - Arthur Bernades Foundation ( |
![]() | FAI-UFSCAR - Foundation of Institutional Support to Scientific and Technological Development ( |
Establishment of partnerships
Embrapa only establishes agreements, contracts or Decentralised Implementation Terms (TED, acronym in Portuguese) with the accredited or authorised research support foundations that have a General Partnership Agreement (AGP, acronym in Portuguese) in force.
Each project establishes an implementation instrument between Embrapa, the partner and the support foundation, according to the ruling on partnerships with support foundations (RC 180).
Ongoing projects
Learn more about projects developed in partnerships between Embrapa and the foundations below by accessing the Transparency website in the foundation web portals and following the instructions below:
- FUNARBE - On the foundation's website, on the tab “transparência”, it is possible to access detailed information about each project, using the keyword ‘Embrapa”, according to research interest -
- FAI UFSCar - On the foundation's website, on the tab “transparência”, there are annual management reports that include the list of approved projects -
- FAPED - On the foundation's website, on the tab “transparência”, there are annual management reports that include the list of approved projects -
- FAPEG - On the foundation's website, on the tab “projetos e convênios”, there is a list of projects managed by the foundation -
- FUNDAG - On the foundation's website, on the tab “transparência”, there is detailed information about each project -
Performance indicators
EFFICIENCY: measures the optimisation of results, the services delivered and funds spent.
Operational costs | To evaluate the capacity of optimisation of operational costs related to the projects. | Administrative operational costs / figure used in the projects * 100 |
Availability of human resources | To evaluate the availability of collaborators for project management. | Average quantity of collaborators/quantity of current projects * 100 |
Cost of human resources | To evaluate payroll costs as opposed to project expenses | Full cost of administration personnel/amount spent in the project * 100 |
EFFICACY: measures the achievement of targets and the capacity to meet aims
Meeting accounting deadlines | Ability to meet accounting deadlines. | (Number of accounts submitted in time/number of finished projects) * 100 |
Meeting accounting deadlines - Embrapa | Ability to meet accounting deadlines for Embrapa's projects. | (Number of accounts for Embrapa's projects rendered in time/number of finished projects) * 100 |
Index of approved accounts | Compliance in rendering of accounts. | (Number of accounts rendered in time/number of final approvals by funders) * 100 |
Index of approved accounts - Embrapa | Compliance in rendering of accounts for Embrapa's projects. | (Number of accounts rendered for Embrapa's projects/number of final approvals of Embrapa projects by funders) * 100 |
EFFECTIVENESS: measures whether proposed aims were met.
Composition of implementing team | In compliance with Decree 7423/2010, Article 6, Par. 3, at least two thirds of the personnel performing projects have to be from the supported institution, including teachers, technical-administrative staff, students, postdoctoral scholars and scholarship holders with a formal link to research programs in the supported institution. | (Quantity of team participants linked to the supported institution/quantity of people in the project implementation team) * 100 |
Index of Embrapa investments | Assessing investment in infrastructure. | (Acquisitions in capital expenses X full amount received to implement projects) * 100 |
Index of transfer of capital goods | % of goods to be sent to Embrapa in the scope of projects. | (Capital expenses passed onto Embrapa/acquisitions of capital expenses performed in Embrapa projects) * 100 |
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: measures compliance with legislation referring to the inclusion of people with disabilities in the foundation’s staff
Index of people with disabilities | Compliance with legislation – People with disabilities. | Quantity of collaborators with disabilities in the foundation/total collaborators in the foundation * 100 |
ECONOMIC-FINANCIAL indicators: measure the foundation's management performance to inform decision-making. They reflect the institution's performance in specific points.
General Liquidity | Current + Long term assets/current + non-current liabilities |
Current liquidity | Current assets/ current liabilities |
Solvency | Total assets/current liabilities+non-current liabilities+result of future financial years |
Average ticket | Operational administrative expenses (DOA) received/quantity of projects which contributed to DOA |
Profitability | Surplus assessed in the financial year/operational administrative costs of the financial year * 100 |
EBITDA | Surplus in the financial year + (depreciation+amortization) - financial result |
Rules and legislation
Norms related to Research Support Foundations
- Embrapa Innovation Policy
- Ruling on Partnerships with Support Foundations - RC 180
- IS SIN nº 4 - Financial counterpart for Support Foundations
- Ruling on Innovation grants
- Innovation grant types and amounts
- Ruling on per diems
- Per diems - amounts
Laws and decrees related to Support Foundations
- Law n. 8958, of December 20, 1994
- Law n. 10973, of December 02, 2004
- Decree n. 7423, of December 31, 2010
- Law n. 13,243, of January 11, 2016 - Innovation Law
- Decree n.9283, of February 7, 2018
- TCU Decision 1178/2018
- Decree n. 10426, July 16, 2020
On the Brazilian Ministry of Education's web portal you can find more information about the process of accreditation and authorisation of research support foundations.
Questions and answers
If there are any other questions, contact the Partnership Management team through the address .
1. What is a Support foundation
2. Which entities can be supported?
3. Can a support foundation be accredited to more than one institution?
No, the accreditation of a Support Foundation is linked to a given higher education or scientific-technological institution. However, a Support Foundation can support other institutions with the consent of the HEI/IST to which it is accredited. In that case, the foundation is referred to as authorised foundation. Furthermore, the authorisation has to be submitted and approved by Brazilian Ministry of Education, through the technical group – GAT (e-mail:, in the terms of the inter-ministry ordinance MEC-MCTI 191/12 and art. 4 par. 2 of Decree 7423/10.
On the Ministry of Education's web portal it is possible to find more information about the processes of accreditation and authorisation of research support foundations.
4. Which Support Foundations are currently accredited and authorised to support Embrapa?
Accredited foundations
- Research and Development Support Foundation – FAPED;
- Edmundo Gastal Research and Development Support Foundation – FAPEG;
- Agricultural Research Support Foundation – FUNDAG.
- Environmental and Agricultural Research Support Foundation – FUNDAPAM;
Authorized foundations
- Arthur Bernardes Foundation – FUNARBE, accredited by the Federal University of Viçosa;
- Foundation of Institutional Support to Scientific and Technological Development – FAI UFSCar, accredited by the Federal University of São Carlos.
The nature of the link between Embrapa and the Foundation (accreditation or authorization) does not change the process of establishing a partnership through Embrapa's Units.
5. How are the relationships between Embrapa and Support Foundations formalized?
Once it is accredited/authorised, the Support Foundation shall then establish a General Partnership Agreement with Embrapa, in the terms of Resolution 180/2019.
After such umbrella agreement is established, Embrapa's Units can start instruments of implementation like agreements and contracts according to each concrete case.
Those custom Instruments of Implementation have to contain specific goals and deadlines (art. 1 of Law 8958/94 and art. 8 of Decree 7423/10).
Embrapa edited Resolution 180/2019, which establishes guidelines, procedures, rights and duties of Support Foundations, in order to regulate the activity of staff.
6. Who is responsible for the accreditation/authorisation, or for reaching general partnership agreements and the instruments of implementation?
The Support Foundation is exclusively responsible for the Accreditation/Authorization alongside MEC/MCTI, with the support of Embrapa's innovation team.
Embrapa's Technological Innovation Team (NIT, acronym in Portuguese) is responsible for entering into General Partnership Agreements.
The Embrapa Units concerned are responsible for signing Instruments of Implementation for each concrete case.
7. How much does it cost to the foundation to manage my project?
According to the Service Instruction 4/2019, agreements, contracts and similar instruments established by Embrapa with Support Foundations can provide for operational expenses and administrative costs related to the execution of the contractual object of said legal instruments, in the terms of the article 74 of Decree 9283/2018.
The amount to be negotiated with partners is up to 15% (fifteen per cent) of the total funding involved.
8. What kind of expense is contained in the 15% limit?
The abovementioned limit can include operational and administrative expenses by the Support Foundation, by the Embrapa unit(ies) involved in the contractual execution, and by the Embrapa Technological Innovation Team. The amount for such expenses must be expressly stipulated in each negotiated agreement, contract or correlated instrument, and identified in the respective budget for the work plan or service proposal.
For each specific case, the figure must include all the usual divisible and indivisible costs required to achieve the implementation of the respective agreement, contract or similar instrument.
9. What is the percentage of the financial counterpart to refund operational and administrative expenses with the Support Foundations, Embrapa units and Embrapa NIT?
Out of the negotiated maximum of 15% of the total funding:
- 70% (seventy per cent) must be used to cover the Support Foundation's operational and administrative expenses for the implementation of the contractual object;
- 20% (twenty per cent) must be used to cover the operational and administrative expenses of the Embrapa units involved in the implementation of the contractual object
- 10% (ten per cent) must be used to cover the operational and administrative expenses of the Embrapa Technological Innovation Team (NIT) that will support the implementation of the contractual object.
Exceptionally, the percentage of up to15% (fifteen per cent) can be adjusted upon the submission of technical justification to approved by the NIT, respecting the abovementioned minimum of 70% (seventy per cent) to a maximum of 100% (one hundred per cent) for the Support Foundation, as well as said 30% (thirty per cent) for Embrapa unit(s) involved in the execution of the contractual object.
In contracts for the provision of services, the percentages within the amount of up to15% (fifteen per cent) can be freely adjusted by the Embrapa unit(s) involved in the implementation of the contractual object, up to the maximum limit of 70% (seventy per cent) for the Support Foundation..
10. How is each project followed up?
Each signed implementation instrument must have a technical manager, who is usually the project coordinator/leader, and a financial manager, duly established by a service order given by the head of the Embrapa unit(s) involved. Both managers have to monitor the project online through the Support Foundation's website.
In addition, the Support Foundation has to submit quarterly and annual reports of the project implementation to said technical and financial managers.
11. How are accounts rendered after the project finishes?
Once the project is over, a technical report has to be submitted by the Technical Manager to the General Head of the Unit, who will forward it to the CTI for analysis and approval.
As for the financial allocation, the Support Foundation will be responsible for elaborating the final report and attaching all the documentation demanded by Embrapa and funding bodies to demonstrate executed expenses, and submit it to the General Head of the Embrapa unit. The General Head of the Embrapa Unit forwards said final report to the Unit's Financial sector for analysis and appraisal, before it is submitted to Funding Bodies and archives.
The process of overseeing and rendering accounts and the entire relationship with Support Foundations is subject to analysis by the Internal Audit service.
12. With regard to the project’s technical team, how are the two-thirds of personnel belonging to the supported institution (Dec. 7423/10, art. 6, § 3) calculated?
13. How does the legislation deal with nepotism within Embrapa projects managed by the Support Foundations?
Law 8,958/94 forbids Support Foundation from hiring spouses, companions or third-degree direct or collateral relatives by blood or by consideration of: civil servants at Higher Education and Science and Technology Institutes who work as executives of their respective Research Support Foundations.
It also vetoes hiring higher executives of the HEIs and ISTs the Foundations support; or contractors whose owner(s) or shareholder(s) are executives or other staff members in such HEIs and ISTs.
In addition, it bans hiring spouses, companions or third-degree direct or collateral relatives by blood or by consideration of their own executive leaders or of civil servants at the HEIs and ISTs they support.
14. What is the process of hiring personnel for the projects managed by Support Foundations like? Is a selection required?
15. Can Support Foundations sign contracts without Embrapa's participation?
Yes, they can. The Support Foundations can celebrate their own legal instruments with third parties without Embrapa's direct participation, provided that if Embrapa's goods and services are used, the Support Foundation will make due reimbursements. However, to use the HEIs' and ISTs' goods and services, the Foundation has to obtain the express consent of the supported institution (Law 8958/94, arts. 1-B and 6), according to the HEI/IST bylaws.