
Os projetos são a unidade básica do Sistema Embrapa de Gestão (SEG). Eles são um conjunto de esforços temporários orientados para gerar produtos, processos e outros resultados. Confira alguns dos projetos da Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste.


  • Innovation macroprocess

    It is the way Embrapa organizes processes and partnerships to fulfill its mission. These processes are:

    1. Strategic Intelligence and Planning;

    2. Research;

    3. Development and Validation;

    4. Technology Transfer;

    5. Adoption monitoring; and

    6. Impact Assessment.

    Each stage generates information for subsequent stages, feeding back into Embrapa's workflow, strategic intelligence and planning.

  • Strategic Goals

    Embrapa's research is guided by a plan that includes strategic short, medium and long-term goals and targets. They were defined based on a diagnosis of current agriculture and trends for the future, evidence contained in comprehensive data sources, studies, and data collection. Access the full Embrapa Master Plan.