Embrapa Cotton
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GM (transgenic) cultivar with resistance to the herbicide glyphosate and to the main species of caterpillars that attack cotton, with Bollgard II Roundup Ready Flex (B2RF) technology. An average-sized Product: GM or edited cultivar Launch year: 2017 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton |
BRS 335 is a medium-sized cultivar, which can reach 1.1m to 1.2m in height, with white linter and white-colored fiber. The average yield can reach up to 4,779 kg/ha. At an altitude of 700m and wit ...Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2011 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton |
BRS Jade is a light brown-colored cultivar with high fiber yield potential (approximately 41%) and high productivity, exceeding 4500 kg/ha. The cultivar has high yield potential in the Cerrado and ...Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2015 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton |
BRS 286 is a highly productive cultivar with an average yield of 4,874 kg/ha of seed cotton and 1,995 kg/ha of cotton wool, in addition to a fiber yield above 40%. Harvests occur between 140 and 160 d Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2008 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton |
*Content only available in Portuguese
A BRS Seda é uma cultivar de gergelim de sementes de coloração branca, que possuem maior valor comercial, principalmente para indústrias de alimento e confeitarias. Possui potencial para produção ...Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2007 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton |
*Content only available in Portuguese
A BRS Energia é uma cultivar de mamona de porte baixo, em torno de 1,40m, ciclo entre 120 e 150 dias, caule verde com cera, cachos cônicos com tamanho médio de 60 cm, frutos verdes com cera e inde ...Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2007 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton |