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This project aims to evaluate the effects of food supplementation based on buriti fruits (Mauritia flexuosa) for the production of yellow-spotted river turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) in captivity, by means of zootechnical indices, hematological response, carcass yield and meat and fat composition of the animals. It is intended to generate a formulation of pelletized supplement based on buriti for farmed yellow-spotted river turtle, in addition to recommending quantity and period of supplementation

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/05/2018

Cheloniculture is the practice of producing captive chelonians for commercial purposes, with a focus on human food. It is aimed at conserving chelonian species threatened by predatory hunting, mainly done for the trafficking and commercialization of wild animal meat. Although cheloniculture has been legal for decades, it is still developing slowly due to various factors, including the cost of the final product compared to the product from trafficking. This makes the products in this chain niche

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/10/2022

Project focused on the development of collaborative research on the ecology, management and technological processing of andiroba oil, strengthening the integration of related countries and the conservation of the Amazon rainforest in the region of the Guiana shield. Among the specificities of this study are the comparison of traditional andiroba oil extraction processes in the Brazilian Amazon and in Suriname; monitoring the production and physical-chemical quality of oil associated with best


Status: Completed     Start date: 01/08/2014

The project aims to technically and scientifically support the development of aquaculture production of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas), with new technologies in the areas of nutrition and health. The physiological mechanisms for the validation of the use of immunostimulating products and probiotics that act as prophylactics for the cultivation of fingerlings and juveniles of pirarucu will be the basis of the study. The innovations obtained will be transferred to the productive sector, establishing


Status: Completed     Start date: 01/12/2013

The Project aims to search for ingredients that replace or, at least, reduce the amount of fish meal used in the tambaqui ration produced in captivity. In this project, the feasibility of using fish residues (in the production of silage) and vegetable residues (buriti, cassava and pineapple) in the manufacture of feeds will be evaluated through the health condition and zootechnical parameters and performance of tambaquis (Colossoma macropomum). The results obtained may make it possible to red


Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2019

River and may represent a methodological advance in the study of models of distribution of species of the ichthyofauna in the Eastern Amazon, in addition to assisting the management of this aquatic ecosystem and water resources, by public agencies. Parasitic diseases can be considered one of the factors that threatens fish populations in a natural environment, since parasites can actively act in the destruction of the communities of these animals, affecting the relative abundance of different


Status: Completed     Start date: 01/03/2014

The chestnut PPP Project sought to evaluate aspects related to the productivity of Brazil nuts and Brazil nut trees in the southern region of the state of Amapá. Based on these aspects, subsidies were generated for the formulation of plans for the sustainable use of the species, as well as a management plan for the Rio Cajari Extractive Reserve (RESEX Cajari) was implemented.

The extractivism activity in the reserve is mainly characterized by the extraction of Brazil nuts, therefore,


Status: Completed     Start date: 01/12/2009

Riverside communities experience many deficiencies in electricity supply and basic sanitation. Regarding forest products management there is a dependency of açaí and limited use of other species. Thus, the project located at Ilha das Cinzas – Pará state, aims to: evaluate agroforestry systems with ‘pau mulato’ and other arboreal and agricultural species; generate actual technical indices to the management of native açaí grooves through its mapping and monitoring along with participating families ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/10/2015

This project aims to increase the adoption of fruit fly management practices for agricultural communities in Uganda, a country on the African continent. The proposal came about due to the observance of damage and economic losses in orchards in Uganda, caused by fruit flies, especially Bactrocera dorsalis, which stems from the low use of efficient management techniques. Although the infestation is lower in farmers' orchards that use management techniques such as toxic baits, methyl euge


Status: Completed     Start date: 01/08/2016

The Amapá state has extensive forests and savannas, which are important carbon stocks being negatively affected due to agricultural, forestry and industrial activities. Thus the project aims to develop a methodology applicable to the entire State of Amapá, aiming to reach all types of existing vegetation, being the basis for estimates of forest biomass and the quantification of carbon stocks, in addition to enabling the monitoring of changes caused on biomass due to the economic activities de


Status: Completed     Start date: 01/12/2016