Embrapa Rice & Beans
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Author(s): SILVA-LOBO, V. L. da; FILIPPI, M. C. C. de Introdução. Sintomas. Ciclo de infecção e da doença. Manejo integrado da brusone. Resistência genética. Controle químico: tão importante quanto o fungicida é o momento da aplicação. Controle biológico... ... |
Defining the target population of environments (TPE) for enviromics studies using R-based GIS tools. Author(s): CRUZ, D. D. M.; HEINEMANN, A. B.; MARCATTI, G. E.; RESENDE, R. T. We present an R-based function for defining TPE as GIS-polygons, intended for use in enviromics studies. It offers customizable parameters, such as pixel size, buffer boundaries, and concavity, provid... ... |
Author(s): BOAVENTURA, H. A.; QUEIRÓS, L. A.; SILVA, J. F. A. e; GOBLE, T. A.; PAZOLINI, K.; MARCIANO, A. F.; QUINTELA, E. D. Lalguard C99 WP, based on the Cordyceps javanica BRM 27666 strain, is registered in Brazil for whitefly control. Spatial prediction is crucial for optimizing its field use and efficacy. In this study,... ... |
Author(s): SOUZA, A. G. de; DAHER, R. F.; NASCIMENTO, M. R.; SOUZA FILHO, B. F. de; MELO, L. C.; GRAVINA, G. de A.; AMBRÓSIO, M.; SANTANA, J. G. S.; VIDAL, A. K. F.; SANTOS, R. M.; LEITE, C. L.; FARIAS, J. E. C.; FREITAS, R. de S.; ROCHA, R. S. The study of adaptability, stability, and productivity is essential for selecting and recommending superior genotypes. This fact is particularly the case for the introduction of common bean cultivars... ... |
Mixes of cover crops and Trichoderma asperellum for enhancing soybean crop yield and sustainability. Author(s): ARAÚJO, F. C. de; NASCENTE, A. S.; FILIPPI, M. C. C. de; SILVA, M. A. Cover crops during the off-season and multifunctional microorganisms represent strategic technologies with potential to enhance the sustainability of soybean production. This study aimed to investigat... ... |
Author(s): AMBRÓSIO, M.; DAHER, R. F.; SANTOS, R. M.; SANTANA, J. G. S.; VIDAL, A. K. F.; NASCIMENTO, M. R.; LEITE, C. L.; SOUZA, A. G. de; FREITAS, R. S.; STIDA, W. F.; FARIAS, J. E. C.; SOUZA FILHO, B. F. de; MELO, L. C.; SANTOS, P. R. dos Common bean provides diet rich in vitamins, fiber, minerals, and protein, which could contribute into food security of needy populations in many countries. Developing genotypes that associate favorabl... ... |
Author(s): AJULO, A. A.; OLIVEIRA, R. S. de; BEZERRA, S. F.; COSTA, N. B.; GONÇALVES, A. R.; OLIVEIRA, M. I. de S.; FILIPPI, M. C. C. de Grain yields of rice (Oryza sativa) are affected globally by rice blast (Magnaporthe oryzae). The main objective of this study was to identify isolates of rhizobacterial antagonists of M. oryzae (BRM1... ... |
Author(s): ASSUNÇÃO, P. E. V.; WANDER, A. E. O objetivo da presente pesquisa é investigar o modelo dos shadow prices na sensibilidade dos preços, nos níveis tecnológicos e produtivos e seus impactos na coordenação da cadeia produtiva de feijão-c... ... |
Author(s): PRADO, J. F. F. dos S.; CORDEIRO, A. C. C.; COELHO, A. S. G.; VALDISSER, P. A. M. R.; VIANELLO, R. P.; BRONDANI, C. ABSTRACT - The objective of this work was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with the traits grain yield, plant height, and flowering, as well as superior inbred lines resulting fro... ... |