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Embrapa Units

The presence of Staphylococcus spp. in milk and milk products is a concern for dairy farmers, industry and government agencies responsible for public health. Because these microorganisms are important pathogens of mastitis, the udder of the infected animal is a major source of contamination of raw milk. S. aureus is the species most frequently associated with mastitis and outbreaks or cases of food poisoning. Other species of Staphylococcus have also been associated, but

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/08/2007

Legislation requirements and consumer demands increasingly push for food safety and quality assurances. Nowadays, generally speaking, quality indicators and contaminants are individually determined in specialized laboratories, which requires long procedures and expensive reagents and makes the analysis of large volumes of samples impracticable. The quick obtainment of analysis results to identify the presence of contaminants and characterize the technological suitability of grains and derivat


Status: Completed     Start date: 01/02/2015