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Pastures of Cynodon spp. and elephantgrass ( Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) have their productivity and forage quality directly affected by weed interference. The difficulty of controlling weeds is one of the main obstacles to growing and using these forage crops as an input in animal feeding, as well as in the production of elephantgrass biomass for energy use. Despite the progress in agroecological weed control techniques, herbicides are still indispensable, especially in crops on ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019

Pastures of Cynodon spp. and elephantgrass ( Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) have their productivity and forage quality directly affected by weed interference. The difficulty of controlling weeds is one of the main obstacles to growing and using these forage crops as an input in animal feeding, as well as in the production of elephantgrass biomass for energy use. Despite the progress in agroecological weed control techniques, herbicides are still indispensable, especially in crops on ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Sat Jul 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2017

Among the existing grass as alternatives to pasture-based production, the genus Cynodon (stargrass and bermudagrass) has advantages such as high productivity and forage quality, responsiveness to fertilization, resistance to cattle trampling, adaptability to a wide range of soil and climate conditions, and good tolerance to waterlogging and low temperatures. These factors distinguish Cynodon from other grasses predominant in tropical conditions and justify considering such specie

Status: Completed     Start date: Sun Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013

The development of forage cultivars is important for the diversification of pastures since monoculture can lead to a drop in milk and meat production due to the reduction in forage production resulting from attacks by pests and diseases, droughts and intermittent soil flooding. Among the grasses suitable for pasture farming, the genus Cynodon has advantages such as high productivity and forage quality, responsiveness to fertilization, resistance to trampling, good adaptation to different

Status: Completed     Start date: Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2021

The genus Cynodon (Star and Bermuda grasses), among the existing grasses as alternatives for pasture exploitation, present advantages such as high productivity and forage quality, response to fertilization, resistance to trampling, good adaptation to different types of soils and climate, good tolerance to humid soils and low temperatures. These factors distinguish the genus Cynodon from others that predominate in tropical conditions and justify its choice as a promising alternati

Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019

The genus Cynodon (Star and Bermuda grasses), among the existing grasses as alternatives for pasture exploitation, present advantages such as high productivity and forage quality, response to fertilization, resistance to trampling, good adaptation to different types of soils and climate, good tolerance to humid soils and low temperatures. These factors distinguish the genus Cynodon from others that predominate in tropical conditions and justify its choice as a promising alternati

Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Mar 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2016

Despite the importance of forage grasses for livestock in Brazil, the amount of information available remains limited, especially for breeding purposes. The basic knowledge about any given species is fundamental to direct genetic improvement programs, helping in the selection of efficient strategies that will lead to a greater selection gain. Essential information includes reproduction mode and outcrossing rate, which help not only breeding programs but also germplasm conservation. Traditional m

Status: Completed     Start date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015

Most stargrass and bermudagrass species grown in Brazil were developed and evaluated in the United States. The cultivars grown in Brazil were not developed for Brazilian environmental conditions and there are no official records showing the introduction of the species in Brazil, thus this happened possibly due to the curiosity of some cattle farmers. The aim of the project was the development of stargrass and bermudagrass clones adapted to soil and climatic conditions of Minas Gerais State, Braz

Status: Completed     Start date: Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014

Spittlebug, Mahanarva spectabilis (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) is capable to cause drastic losses in production and quality of pastures established with grasses. Currently, the use a grass resistant cultivar, to be obtained by means of constitutive antibiosis, is the best spittlebug controlling method. However, the time required for releasing a cultivar after detecting a spittlebug-resistant strain is relatively long. Allied to this, one should take into consideration that the adaptations of

Status: Completed     Start date: Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015

Low productivity of pastures in Brazil is the main cause of poor profitability and competitiveness of animal production systems in relation to other agricultural systems. The objective of the project was to generate technologies in intensive system of livestock grazing using Tanzania grass ( Panicum maximum), Marandu palisadegrass ( Brachiaria brizantha) and Star grass ( Cynodon nlemfuensis) to improve forage production and quality and milk production. To this end, evaluatio ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Sat Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011