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Embrapa Units

The growing competitiveness of the dairy agribusiness increasingly requires improved skills on the part of farmers. The improvement of the productive potential of dairy animals requires more efficient and balanced feeding in order to provide a real increase in production. Whether in the beef or dairy livestock segment, the Brazilian exploratory model combines herd pasture feeding with roughage supplementation in the period of food shortage, as well as energy supplementation. In such a model, the

Status: Completed     Start date: Mon Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2008

Riverside communities experience many deficiencies in electricity supply and basic sanitation. Regarding forest products management there is a dependency of açaí and limited use of other species. Thus, the project located at Ilha das Cinzas – Pará state, aims to: evaluate agroforestry systems with ‘pau mulato’ and other arboreal and agricultural species; generate actual technical indices to the management of native açaí grooves through its mapping and monitoring along with participating families ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015

This partnership proposal will seek to implement and monitor experimental units for recomposition of Permanent Preservation Areas (APP in Portuguese) around the UHE Sinop reservoir, watershed of the Teles Pires river, Mato Grosso. With the filling of the reservoir of UHE Sinop, carried out in the first two months of 2019, the entrepreneur (Sinop Energia) was imposed, via condition requested by the environmental agency responsible for inspection, the environmental regularization of the Permane


Status: Completed     Start date: Mon Jul 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019

Araucaria angustifolia, also known as the Paraná pine, is the symbol of southern Brazil and aunique component of the mixed ombrophile forest (also known as Araucaria forest) that is partof the Atlantic Forest biome. After heavy logging in the twentieth century, this species wasincluded on Brazil's official list of threatened flora species, which significantly diminished itsuse in economic activities, as well as scientific studies of this species. Recent scientific researchhas investigated ways f ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2020

No Brasil, um grande número de agroindústrias familiares elabora suco de uva ‘caseiro’ ou ‘colonial’ pela técnica da panela extratora por arraste de vapor. O produto é vendido em feiras de agricultura familiar e para consumidores do entorno de cada propriedade produtora, contribuindo, de forma importante, para a renda da pequena propriedade rural. A referida panela, embora seja um equipamento de preço bastante acessível, resulta na elaboração de suco com incorporação de água, proveniente do vapo ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2016

A crescente demanda de água para fins industriais e residenciais, geração de energia, mineração, lazer, somados aos problemas ambientais, faz com que quantidade de água para a agricultura apresente uma tendência de redução. A agricultura é o maior usuário de água em todo o mundo. O setor agrícola brasileiro é o principal usuário consuntivo dos recursos hídricos. Uma provável solução para esse problema é aperfeiçoar como a água é manejada, o que envolve a adoção de tecnologias e procedimentos ade ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013