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Given the serious agricultural losses suffered by the highland region of the state of Rio de Janeiro due to heavy rainfall in January 2011, this projects aimed at transferring agroecological technologies that have been already developed and adapted to the region through cooperative methodologies that foster interaction between researchers and farmers. It was expected to contribute to counter the environmental and economic risk scenario afflicting family farming in the region; diversify productio Status: Completed Start date: Thu Mar 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012 |
Fine-texture soils in Brazil are generally deemed to have low agricultural potential. Due to low levels of clay and organic matter, they usually present low nutrient and water retention capacity, and, when poorly managed, may produce negative impacts associated with high risks of groundwater contamination by nutrients and other chemical pollutants, or with potential erosion when directly exposed to rain. Status: Completed Start date: Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012 |
With the objective of developing technological innovations for the restoration of degraded pasture in the Brazilian Amazon region, this project involves all Embrapa units in the North region, besides additional ones in the Midwest. The intended result is to develop technological solutions which involve forage planting methods, e.g. no-till farming, intercropping of forage with annual crops, and alternatives techniques, to combat problems such as infestation by weeds and pest insects orlow soil f Status: Completed Start date: Tue Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013 |
The overall objective of this project was to strengthen Brazil’s green economy by harmonizing economic development and environmental conservation through sustainable agriculture that does not harm the environment, using soil and plant biomass management in organic production systems as a starting point. Unlike many agricultural production systems, organic agriculture offers a range of practices and techniques that potentially contribute to increase sustainability, including soil and plant biomas Status: Completed Start date: Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012 |
Agricultural systems basically depend on ecological processes and services provided by ecosystems. These ecological processes and services, called ecosystem services or environmental services, relate to the conditions and processes through which ecosystems sustain human life by supplying provisions (food, timber, fiber and fuel production), regulation (of water, of climate, protection against droughts, flooding, storms, spread of diseases and soil degradation, waste purification), support (hydro Status: Completed Start date: Thu Mar 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012 |
Pasture degradation is one of the main problems of Brazilian cattle farming. Several strategies to recover the productivity of degraded pastures have been developed by Embrapa and other research and education institutions. In such studies, reducing the costs of the recovery of degraded pastures has been one of their main focuses. Integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS) have proved to be some of the best alternatives to reduce the costs of pasture fertilization. ICLS have potential to increase t Status: Completed Start date: Thu Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2007 |
The Precision Agriculture Network counts with 20 Embrapa research Units and approximately 200 researchers: 15 experimental units distributed throughout the Northeast, the Mid-West, Southeast and South of the country; 11 perennial and annual cultures, and approximately 100 Research, Development and Innovation activities. The network was started at the end of 2009, and proposed to establish agricultural and stockbreeding concepts focused on space-time variability management for the sustainability Status: Completed Start date: Sun Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2009 |
A crescente demanda de água para fins industriais e residenciais, geração de energia, mineração, lazer, somados aos problemas ambientais, faz com que quantidade de água para a agricultura apresente uma tendência de redução. A agricultura é o maior usuário de água em todo o mundo. O setor agrícola brasileiro é o principal usuário consuntivo dos recursos hídricos. Uma provável solução para esse problema é aperfeiçoar como a água é manejada, o que envolve a adoção de tecnologias e procedimentos ade ... Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013 |
Status: Completed Start date: Sun May 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011 |
Evaluate the influence of the following production systems: soybean/off-season cotton, soybean/off-season maize, and cotton-off-season maize over the intra and inter-population genetic variability, need to control, and insecticide resistance levels of brown stink bug Euschistus heros. Status: Completed Start date: Tue May 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012 |