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Embrapa Units

The Red Sindhi breed is an important genetic resource to be preserved and used in tropical conditions. Some studies have shown small effective population size and high coefficient of inbreeding. These aspects show increased risks of loss of genetic diversity, impairing possible genetic gains to be achieved with selection, and even increasing the risk of future extinction of the breed. The following partner institutions worked on the project: Embrapa Dairy Cattle, Embrapa Tropical Semi-Arid, Emep

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/04/2012

Brazil is the fourth main world producer and exporter of black pepper, having had an estimated production of 33,000 tons in 2008. It is an important agricultural product to Pará's exporting schedules, being responsible for almost 90% of the entire country's production. The fusariosis disease caused by the Fusarium solani f. sp. Piperis fungus is the main cause for reduction of production cycles and increase in production costs. Once the disease is detected, the area is completely devasta ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/04/2009

This project proposes the morphological and physico-chemical analysis of Brazil nut trees, in addition to the study of their diversity, intrapopulation spatial genetic structure, reproductive system, and patterns of seed and pollen dispersal in natural populations located in the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso and Acre. Furthermore, abiotic aspects such as weather variables and soil fertility and structure will be monitored, and there will be a survey on the constitution of the historical ethnob

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/10/2011