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Embrapa Units

Embrapa and Campinas’ City Hall (Prefeitura Municipal de Campinas) produced the School Atlas for the Metropolitan Region of Campinas using data and information on agricultural activities and their importance for the transformation of the region’s landscape. After the Atlas was published, the partnership continued in a new project with the aim of encouraging its use by teachers and students within the Campinas’ public school network. Prefeitura Municipal de Campinas created Programa


Status: Completed     Start date: 01/06/2014

Campinas' Metropolitan region has a wide selection of information and data that might be used to promote a better understanding of the agricultural and stockbreeding sector to society. This information is rarely accessed by elementary students due to the lack of personalized didactic material, elaborated by teachers, with the depth required in class. The GeoAtlas project aims to supply this gap with the elaboration of the School Atlas of Campinas' Metropolitan Region. It focuses on the main regi

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/04/2009

PortGEO brought together several projects and actions developed at Embrapa with a thematic focus on the study and assessment of environmental, socioeconomic and institutional factors associated with the dynamics of land use and cover (causes and effects), as well as their interactions, impacts, products and outcomes. The project was developed to manage and consolidate information from Embrapa's R&D and TT projects within a consolidated structure, in order to organize, make this information avail ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/02/2015

The growing demand for a sustainable energy matrix and the need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels make the energy obtained from biomass a prominent option. The major uses of biomass as energetic input are the production of thermal energy (direct combustion, charcoal and residues), production of mechanic energy (alcohol and bio-oils), production of electricity (through combustion, gasification or gas burning), and production of other components of the so called green chemistry (bioproducts and

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/06/2014

The transfer of technology is an integral and inseparable part of Innovation. It is critical to transform the innovation assets generated by scientific research into real benefits - products, processes and services - for producers and society as a whole. In the field of animal reproduction, TT tools have been instrumental in democratizing access to advances in the use of selected germplasm reproductive biotechnologies, contributing to the development of animal breeding programs. This project aim

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2015

Embrapa Gado de Leite coordinates participatory rural development projects in 16 communities in nine municipalities of the State of Minas Gerais – i.e. Lima Duarte, Santana do Garambéu, Santa Rita de Ibitipoca, Pedro Teixeira, Ibertioga, Carvalhos, Bocaina de Minas and Alagoa, which have smallholder milk production as the main activity generating employment and income - and the Quilombola (Afro-Brazilian Settlement) Colônia do Paiol, in the municipality of Bias Fortes. Of these municipalities, s ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/04/2012

Yuca is a highlighted culture for the state of Pará, not only for its importance in the state's cuisine, but also for representing a source of income for thousands of agriculture producers. The culture can also give support to the state's agro-industry, by means of supplying raw materials used in the fabrication of many products. In order to be incremented in the state of Pará, the yuca culture needs to go through a genetic improvement program, in the hopes of obtaining material which is more ad ...

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/08/2010

The Environmental Risk Assessment (ARA) of pesticides, under the responsibility of Ibama, is part of the procedure for registering a pesticide in Brazil. The main objective of this project was to compare the worst-case scenario adopted by Ibama for the ARA of pesticides in water bodies, with the most representative scenarios of soybean cultivation prevalent in Brazil. A methodology was developed to map water basins with potential for contamination by pesticides used in agriculture. Through it


Status: Completed     Start date: 01/11/2014

In terms of product quality and respect for the environment, care for water resources involving agricultural activities is presented as an opportunity for the implementation of production systems suited to small farms, whether family-based producers or traditional communities as the quilombolas. The objective of this project was to monitor the quality of water from the involvement of local players assembling a critical mass capable of preserving and/or restoring water resources and participating

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/04/2009

Germplasm banks have as their main purpose to get together in one place part of the genetic variability (germplasm), in order to prevent the loss of genes or gene combinations (genetic erosion), thus ensuring a broad genetic basis for research programs. Germplasm banks are usually made up of local races (ethnovarieties), improved varieties and wild species of the same genus. And because they bring together genetic constitutions of different origins and different breeding levels, they can be grea

Status: Completed     Start date: 01/01/2009