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Embrapa Units

In order to have the country keep growing and to open new markets, some sectors still require value aggregation to their products, which can only be achieved through the continuous incorporation of new technologies. In special, the quality and certification of agricultural products, biotechnology, agroenergy, environmental monitoring, new uses of agricultural products, precision agriculture and traceability, the inputs (fertilizers, pesticides) industry, innovation in medicine for veterinary use

Status: Completed     Start date: Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011

The essence of precision agriculture resides in the analysis of spatial variability of production factors, especially that of the soil. This analysis' results, interpreted from the standpoint of economical gain and environmental benefits, should guide the use of resources in a localized form, with precision doses. For this purpose, many technologies are used, such as GPS, GIS, sensors, actuators, embedded systems, among others. In Brazil, the adoption of precision agriculture still is a small nu

Status: Completed     Start date: Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2009

The project aimed to assess the forms of land use and forest degradation processes in the Amazon, by reconstructing the history of degradation in three municipalities (Paragominas and Santarém – PA and Feliz Natal – MT). In these municipalities, the socio-environmental aspects of forest degradation, related to changes in land use and coverage, were analyzed (pasture, agriculture, secondary use, logging, etc.), along with data produced by research partner networks and the vast literature already ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Sun Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013

The project aims at assessing methods and innovative techniques in the area of Remote Sensing and spatial data integration for detection in cultivation practices and production systems, especially integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems (ICLFs) and variations, which constitute one of the key points of the low carbon agriculture policy.
On a local scale, the goal is to evaluate the potential of new techniques and methodologies that apply to the new Sentinel 2 sensor with regard to the det ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015

The TerraClass project, a partnership between Embrapa and the National Institute of Space Research (Inpe) initiated in 2010, was created to produce a new outlook, based on scientific and impartial data, on the use and cover of deforested areas of the Brazilian Amazon region, as per annually identified by Inpe's Prodes program. The first maps generated by the project, referring to the use and cover of lands deforested by 2008, 2010, and 2012, respectively, established a starting point for the und

Status: Completed     Start date: Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015

Status: Completed     Start date: Sun Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014

Forest systems are part of an important land-use strategy aimed at the maintenance of biodiversity, at the commercialization of wood products and other products, at quality of life and at environmental services such as carbon fixation. The greenhouse gas emission flows and the carbon stocked in the forests are indispensable information, and their estimation may support public policies on development and sustainability. Project GeoSaltus focuses on the use of geotechnologies for the developmen


Status: Completed     Start date: Fri Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012

Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Jul 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014

This project arose from the need to generate and consolidate geospatial databases, implementing an infrastructure in order to organize and make this data available to improve Embrapa's RD&I capacity. As well as to allow sharing of the data collection to other government agencies and to society, and also the establishment of a multiuser reference center for obtaining spectroradiometric measurements of targets of interest to tropical agriculture. The implementation of Embrapa's Spatial Data Infras ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Sun Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014

A geomorphological mapping of the Restinga de Jurubatiba National Park, in the State of Rio de Janeiro, was proposed in this project, to assist in environmental planning, using geotechnologies and geographic information systems. The delimitation of preservation areas such as the Restinga de Jurubatiba National Park aims to maintain the environmental balance of these environments, a necessary measure due to the expansion of urban areas that suppress natural areas. The paper presented a tempora


Status: Completed     Start date: Sat Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013