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Author(s): MORAES, A. L. M. de This study aims to review the main agricultural policy instruments in pace with the sector?s development and propose new directions of agricultural policy. It concludes that, as compared to other sect... ... |
Author(s): PEREZ, D. V.; LAMEIRAS, F. L. Death from hunger in the world may overcome the number of deaths in conventional war. Therefore, food should be considered a National Security core issue of any country. However, the concept of Nation... ... |
Author(s): ABREU, D. P. de; PARANAÍBA, A. de C.; WANDER, A. E. The present article aims to indicate the peculiarities and contradictions found in the price subsidy policies in Brazilian agriculture in the last decade. Despite State efforts carried out through the... ... |
Author(s): CARAUTA, M.; TROOST, C.; GUZMAN-BUSTAMANTE, I.; HAMPF, A.; LIBERA, A.; MEURER, K; BONECK, E.; FRANKO, U.; RODRIGUES, R. de A. R.; BERGER, T. Until 2019, the Brazilian federal government employed a number of policy measures to fulfill the pledge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from land use change and agriculture. While its forest law... ... |
Author(s): POLIDORO, J. C.; FREITAS, P. L. de; BHERING, S. B.; CARVALHO JUNIOR, W. de; RODRIGUES, R. de A. R.; BENITES, V. de M.; ANJOS, L. H. C. dos; PEREIRA, M. G.; RIBEIRO, J. L. Assessments of land coverage in Brazil indicate that almost 28 % of the territory of 8.5 million-km2 is occupied with the production of food, fibers, bio-fuels and raw material for agroindustry and di... ... |
Author(s): PASQUAL, J. C.; LARDIZABAL, C. C.; HERRERA, G.; BOLLMANN, H. A.; NUNES, E. de O. Latin American and the Caribbean countries have one of the world?s largest sources of renewable energy. Nonetheless, it estimated that nearly three-quarters of their energy consumption relies on the u... ... |
Author(s): NEGRA, C.; VERMEULEN, S.; BARIONI, L. G.; MAMO, T.; MELVILLE, P.; TADESSE, M. As countries around the world face urgent agricultural challenges, the concept of ?climate-smart? agriculture (CSA) has been put forward to achieve climate change adaptation, mitigation, and food secu... ... |
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