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Author(s): GUEDES, M.; PINTO, E.; FIRMINO, A.; GUEDES, A. L.
Author(s): HILÁRIO, R. R.; TOLEDO, J. J. de; MUSTIN, K.; CASTRO, I. J.; COSTA-NETO, S. V.; KAUANO, E. E.; EILERS, V.; VASCONCELOS, I. M.; MENDES-JÚNIOR, R. N.; FUNI, C.; FEARNSIDE, P. M.; SILVA, J. M. C.; EULER, A. M. C.; CARVALHO, W. D. de Although Amapá is the most protected Brazilian state, the same level of protection does not extend to its savannas. These are currently suffering increased pressure from threats including large-scale... ... |
Author(s): LIRA, A. C. S. de; RODRIGUES, F. L. M.; PINTO, E. R.; GUEDES, M. C.; MELEM JUNIOR, N. J.
Author(s): SILVA, R. A. da; PEREIRA, J. D. B.; LEMOS, L. N.; JESUS, C. R.; LIMA, A. L.; LIMA, C. R.
Author(s): JESUS, C. R. de; PEREIRA, J. D. B.; OLIVEIRA, M. N. de; SILVA, R. A. da; SOUZA FILHO, M. F.; COSTA NETO, S. V. da; MARINHO, C. F.; ZUCCHI, R. A. Anastrepha anomala Stone foi obtida de frutos de Parahancornia amapa (Huber) Ducke (Apocynaceae) e Anastrepha hastata Stone de Cheiloclinium cognatum (Miers.) (Hippocrateaceae) no Amapá, sendo obtidos... ... |
Author(s): EULER, A. M. C.; PACAUD, N.; GUEDES, M. C.; NICOLLE, S.; YARED, J. A. G.; SOTTA, E. D.; BLANC, L.; DESCROIX, L. We conducted a study in a cross-border region of Amazonia to analyze the future role of natural forests in producing wood products. French Guiana and the state of Amapa are sharing similar geographica... ... |
Author(s): ARAÚJO, M. R. P.; ARAÚJO, S. G.; MARTINS-JÚNIOR, P. O.; MATA, E. C. G. da; COSTA, A. L. P.; DINIZ, S. P. S. S.; DIAS, J. do S. A.; ALVARES, V. de S.; HANADA, R. E.; KANZAKI, L. I. B. The contamination of Brazilian nuts, Bertholettia excelsa, by pathogenic microorganisms, is the main concern of health authorities in countries that consume the product, which is an excellent nutrient... ... |
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