Author(s): TORATI, L. S.; KIRSCHNIK, L. N. G.; LIMA, A. F. This work aimed to describe the oocyte development in pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, from primary growth to ovulation stages for the first time. Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2021 |
Author(s): ALMEIDA, F. L. The pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) are the biggest scale Amazonian fish and their farming potential is enormous. However, there are few studies involving the reproductive physiology of pirarucu. Raising fi... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2018 |
Author(s): TORATI, L. S.; KIRSCHNIK, L. N. G. O pirarucu demostra um alto potencial produtivo devido a sua alta taxa de crescimento, ausência de espinhos intramuscular e alto valor agregado a sua carne, porém a reprodução em cativeiro ainda é um... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2024 |
Author(s): MACIEL-HONDA, P. O.; CHAGAS, E. C. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as ocorrências de parasitos e determinar as taxas de infestação/infecção parasitária em juvenis de Arapaima gigas de sete pisciculturas do Estado do Amazonas,... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2022 |
Author(s): LIMA, A. F. Because sex ratio in the broodstock can influence the reproductive behaviour of a species, the influence of sex ratio on the reproductive success of pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, in captivity was assessed... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2018 |
Author(s): GOMES, L. de C. O pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) é um peixe de respiração aérea obrigatória da bacia Amazônica. Estudo prévio demonstrou que juvenis de pirarucu apresentam um período de latência em sua resposta de estress... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2007 |
Author(s): YOSHIOKA, E. T. O. The fish heart ventricle has varied morphology and may have a specific morpho-functional design in species adapted to extreme environmental conditions. In general, the Amazonian ichthyofauna undergoes... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2019 |
Author(s): LIMA, A. F. Size grading is a common management practice in fish farming to minimize growth variability. Such practice has not been established for pirarucu Arapaima gigas. Therefore, the present study assessed t... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2020 |
Author(s): TORATI, L. S.; LIMA, A. F.; KIRSCHNIK, L. N. G. In this study we report novel information on the opening position of the spermatic duct of Arapaima gigas, and method to collect semen in live broodstocks. Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2022 |