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Author(s): ALVARENGA, R. C.; BORGHI, E.; GONTIJO NETO, M. M.; RESENDE, A. V. de; CALONEGO, J. C.; SILVEIRA, M. C. T. da; KARAM, D.; SIMEÃO, R. M. Some regions of the Cerrado Biome present edaphoclimatic conditions restrictive to the maximum productive potential of agriculture and livestock. In these regions, experiments with crop-livestock syst... ... |
Author(s): SPERA, S. T.; MAGALHÃES, C. A. de S.; DENARDIN, J. E.; TARDIN, F. D.; RAMOS JUNIOR, E. U.; CHITARRA, L. G. An important annual crops management system for carbon sequestration from the atmosphere is the crop livestock integrated system managed under no-tillage system. In the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso,... ... |
Author(s): CARRA, S. H. Z.; PALHARES, J. C. P.; DRASTIG, K.; SCHNEIDER, V. E. This study analyzes the relation between Brazilian broiler and pig production and water productivity using recently developed reference guidelines on water footprinting for livestock production system... ... |
Author(s): PEDREIRA, B. C. e; SILVA, N. M. F. da; MOMBACH, M. A.; DOMICIANO, L. F.; CARVALHO, P.; NASCIMENTO, H. B.; PEREIRA, D. H.; CABRAL, L. S. The use of integrated systems had been presented as an option to improve livestock production systems. This study aimed to evaluate beef cattle production systems. The experiment was carried out at Em... ... |
Author(s): FREIRE FILHO, F. R.; RIBEIRO, V. Q.; ROCHA, M. de M.; SILVA, K. J. D. e; NOGUEIRA, M. do S. da R.; RODRIGUES, E. V. About 50 years ago cowpea was reported as a relatively minor tropical legume. However, in the last years, it has been emerging as one of the most important food legume of the 21st century (SINGH, 2010... ... |
Author(s): SANTOS, H. P. dos; FONTANELI, R. S.; DALMAGO, G. A.; CASTRO, R. L. de; SANTI, A.; Pssebom, T. Adopting wheat that has additional aptitudes to the only function of grain production in crop-livestock integration systems may be an economical alternative for better using the vast expanse of farmla... ... |
Author(s): GALLEGO, S.; JIMÉNEZ, M. F.; OSPINA, B.; NUTTI, M. R.; CARVALHO, J. L. V. de
Author(s): VARGAS, V.; SOUZA, T. R. de; BRENTRUP, F.; HESAN, M.; NEVES, C.; BUNGENER, S.; OTTO, R.; CARVALHO, M. da C. S.; GUELFI, D.; CANTARELLA, H.; COSER, T. Introduction: concept of carbon footprint. Carbon footprint of raw material, fertilizers and processes in the fertilizer industry. Methodologies for carbon footprint assessments of agricultural produc... ... |
Author(s): CRUSCIOL, C. A. C.; MARQUES, R. R.; CARMEIS FILHO, A. C. A.; SORATTO, R. P.; COSTA, C. H. M.; FERRARI NETO, J.; CASTRO, G. S. A.; PARIZ, C. M.; CASTILHOS, A. M.; FRANZLUEBBERS, A. J. In tropical integrated crop-livestock under no-till (NT) systems, the surface application/reapplication of lime and/or gypsum can reduce re-acidification rate of the soil and improve plant nutrition,... ... |
Author(s): TOLEDO, M. M.; SANTOS, D. P.; FRAZAO, J. M. F.; FIGUEIREDO, F. A.; COSTA, J. B. The wide extension area occupied by babassu palm (Atallea speciosa Mart. Ex Spreng) is usually considered as an important obstacle for agricultural activities, such as crop production and pasture main... ... |
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