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Author(s): STAFUZZA, N. B.; ZERLOTINI NETO, A.; LOBO, F. P.; YAMAGISHI, M. E. B.; CHUD, T. C. S.; CAETANO, A. R.; MUNARI, D. P.; GARRICK, D. J.; MACHADO, M. A.; MARTINS, M. F.; CARVALHO, M. R.; COLE, J. B.; SILVA, M. V. G. B. Whole-genome re-sequencing, alignment and annotation analyses were undertaken for 12 sires representing four important cattle breeds in Brazil: Guzerat (multi-purpose), Gyr, Girolando and Holstein (da... ... |
Author(s): PERIPOLLI, E.; STAFUZZA, N. B.; MACHADO, M. A.; PANETTO, J. C. do C.; EGITO, A. A. do; BALDI, F.; SILVA, M. V. G. B. Further characterization of genetic structural variations should strongly focus on small and endangered local breeds given their role in unraveling genes and structural variants underlying selective p... ... |
Author(s): TREVISOL, I. M.; CARON, L.; MORES, M. A. Z.; RECH, D. V.; ZANI, G. da S; BACK, A.; MARCHESI, J. A. P.; ESTEVES, P. A. Abstract: IBV variants belonging to the GI-23 lineage have circulated since 1998 in the Middle East and have spread to several countries over time. In Brazil, the first report of GI-23 occurred in 202... ... |
Author(s): BOSCHIERO, C.; MOREIRA, G. C. M.; GHEYAS, A.; GODOY, T. F.; GASPARIN, G.; MARIANI, P. D. S. C.; PADUAN, M.; CESAR, A. S. M.; LEDUR, M. C.; COUTINHO, L. L. Abstract: Background Meat and egg-type chickens have been selected for several generations for different traits. Artificial and natural selection for different phenotypes can change frequency of genet... ... |
Author(s): PAIM, D. S.; PISSETTI, C.; VIEIRA, T. R.; WERLANG, G. O.; COSTA, E. de F.; KICH, J. D.; CARDOSO, M. R. de I. ABSTRACT: Background: Despite a strong association between Salmonella isolation and slaughter hygiene, as measured by the Enterobacteriaceae levels on pre-chill carcass surfaces, a high variation in t... ... |
Author(s): SILVA, W. DOS S.; CARDOSO, T. F.; ANDRADE, B. G. N.; SILVA, J. V.; CONTEVILLE, L. C.; AFONSO, J.; BRUSCADIN, J.; OKINO, C. H.; KAPRITCHKOFF, R. T. I.; CHAGAS, A. C. de S.; REGITANO, L. C. de A. Morada Nova é uma raça de ovelhas deslanadas adaptadas ao clima tropical do país e que possuem aptidão relacionada à produção de carne e couro. |
Author(s): ZERLOTINI NETO, A.; STAFUZZA, N. B.; LOBO, F. P.; YAMAGISHI, M. E. B.; CHUD, T. C. S.; CAETANO, A. R.; MUNARI, D. P.; GARRICK, D. J.; MACHADO, M. A.; MARTINS, M. F.; CARVALHO, M. R.; SILVA, M. V. G. B. Guzerat is a dual-purpose breed recognized for important traits to its adaptation to adverse tropical environments such as resistance to parasites, heat tolerance and ability to intake forage with low... ... |
Author(s): MARCELINO, D. E. P.; IBELLI, A. M. G.; PEIXOTO, J. de O.; SALMÓRIA, L. A.; CANTAO, M. E.; LEDUR, M. C.
Author(s): FAJARDO, T. V. M.; PERES, C. A.; NICKEL, O. Detectar e identificar infecções virais em plantas perenes, como videiras, pode ser um desafio. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise da curva de dissociação de alta resolução (HR... ... |
Author(s): FAJARDO, T. V. M.; KIN, A. C.; NICKEL, O. Grapevine rupestris stem pitting-associated virus (GRSPaV) is one of the most common viruses of grapevine. It is involved in the graft-transmissible disease rupestris stem pitting of the rugose wood c... ... |
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