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Author(s): SAAD, S. I.; SILVA, J. M. da; SILVA, M. L. N.; GUIMARAES, J. L. B.; SOUSA JUNIOR, W. C.; FIGUEIREDO, R. de O.; ROCHA, H. R. da Abstract: The choice of areas for nature conservation involves the attempt to maximize the benefits, whether by carrying out an economic activity or by the provision of Ecosystem Services. Studies are... ... |
Author(s): CALDAS, A. M.; PISSARA, T. C. T.; COSTA, R. C. A.; ROLIM NETO, F. C.; ZANATA, M.; PARAHYBA, R. da B. V.; FERNANDES, L. F. S.; PACHECO, F. A. L. In many regions across the planet, flood events are now more frequent and intense because of climate change and improper land use, resulting in risks to the population. However, the procedures to accu... ... |
Author(s): POLIDORO, J. C.; FREITAS, P. L. de; BHERING, S. B.; CARVALHO JUNIOR, W. de; RODRIGUES, R. de A. R.; BENITES, V. de M.; ANJOS, L. H. C. dos; PEREIRA, M. G.; RIBEIRO, J. L. Assessments of land coverage in Brazil indicate that almost 28 % of the territory of 8.5 million-km2 is occupied with the production of food, fibers, bio-fuels and raw material for agroindustry and di... ... |
Author(s): COSTA, F. de S.; AMANCIO, M. C. A. de A.; MENDES, I. de C. Conservation agriculture in family production in the sandy soil of Mâncio Lima municipality, western Acre State, has a positive effect on its biological attributes. |
Author(s): SOARES, A. K. M.; CRESTANA, S.; FERREIRA, R. R. M.; RODRIGUES, V. G. S. ABSTRACT: Gullies are significant contributors to soil degradation in several regions of Brazil, including Minas Gerais, where erosion processes have caused soil loss. The characterization of erosion... ... |
Author(s): PIRES, M. de F. M.; MEDEIROS, J. C.; SOUZA, H. A. de; ROSA, J. D.; BOECHAT, C. L.; MAFRA, A. L.; NOLETO, K. C.; ROCHA, A. G. da The conservation tillage systems is based on the surface protection by crop residue and reduced soil disturbance. These two principles can favor the soil quality and promote sustainable agricultural s... ... |
Author(s): DENARDIN, J. E.; MARCON, G. P.; FAGANELLO, A.; LEMAINSKI, J.; BACK, A. J.; JUNQUEIRA, B. R.; OLIVEIRA, V. B. de High Wide Ridge Soil Management is a conservation practice associated with the no-tillage, reduced tillage, and conventional tillage systems, usual in small farms in southern Brazil. Integrated with w... ... |
Author(s): BROWN, G. G.; SAUTTER, K. D. Much beyond being only substrates for growing plants, soils are living entities and the home of numerous organisms whose diversity may even surpass that of the aboveground flora and fauna. Soils are a... ... |
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