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Author(s): KOBORI, N. N.; MASCARIN, G. M.; JACKSON, M. A.; SCHISLER, D. A. Media and culturing protocols were identified that supported the formation of submerged conidia and microsclerotia (MS) by Trichoderma harzianum Rifai strain T-22 using liquid culture fermentation. Li... ... |
Author(s): RUBIO, M. B.; VICENTE, R.; BETTIOL, W.; MORCUENDE, R.; MONTE, E.; HERMOSA, R. It is widely recognized that species of Trichoderma exert beneficial effects on plants, such as promoting the growth and inducing defenses against biotic and abiotic damage. In this sense, it has been... ... |
Biocontrol of seed pathogens and growth promotion of common bean seedlings by Trichoderma harzianum. Author(s): CARVALHO, D. D. C.; MELLO, S. C. M. de; LOBO JUNIOR, M.; GERALDINE, A. M. The objective of this work was to evaluate isolates of Trichoderma harzianum regarding biocontrol of common bean seed‑borne pathogens, plant growth promotion, and rhizosphere competence. Five is... ... |
Author(s): PEREIRA, J. L.; SILVA, T. A. P.; QUIRINO, B. F.; FELIX, C. R.; ULHOA, C. J.; NORONHA, E. F. The data show that T. harzianum has properties that make it an attractive candidate for the development of strategies to control Xanthomonas campestris PV campestris and Ralstonia solanacearum disease... ... |
Author(s): LOBO JUNIOR, M.; PIMENTA, G.; GONTIJO, G. H. A. Com o objetivo de verificar os efeitos de Trichoderma harzianum sobre a produtividade da soja, foram instalados experimentos nas safras de 2005/2006 e 2006/2007, em área comercial no município de Luzi... ... |
Author(s): DIAS NETO, J. J.; OKURA, M. H.; BARBOSA, E. T.; ALMEIDA, A. de S.; ALMEIDA, L. C. de S.; BARBOSA, D. B. M.; LOBO JUNIOR, M. Several formulations based on Trichoderma spp. are available in the Brazilian market for application as biocontrol agents or plant-growth promotion. However, only some studies are dedicated to improvi... ... |
Author(s): MASCARIN, G. M.; BONFIM JUNIOR, M. F.; ARAÚJO FILHO, J. V. de Trichoderma harzianum strain ESALQ-1306 was assessed for its potential biological control against Meloidogyne incognita race 4 under in vitro and greenhouse conditions. In vitro, we noticed 64% of con... ... |
Author(s): TAMIETTI, M. S.; MIDORIKAWA, G. E. O.; MENDES, T. D.; DAMASO, M. C. T.; BOM, E. P. S.; SILVA, A. S.; GOTTSCHALK, L. M. F.; NORONHA, E. F.; FAVARO, L. C. de L. Carbon catabolite repression (CCR) is a mechanism by which microorganisms can utilize preferably highly energetic compounds over those of difficult degradation. For Trichoderma reesei, the protein tha... ... |
Author(s): RAMOS, E. Z.; MIDORIKAWA, G. E. O.; FAVARO, L. C. de L.; SILVA, A. S. da; GOTTSCHALK, L. M. F.; BON, E. P. S. The use of lignocellulosic materials that are the constituents of the plant cell wall have shown to be a great opportunity for sustainable industrial development. The polysaccharide part of these mate... ... |
Author(s): CARVALHO, D. D. C.; LOBO JUNIOR, M.; MARTINS, I.; INGLIS, P. W.; MELLO, S. C. M. Biological control of seed-borne pathogens has shown to enhance germination and physiological quality of seeds. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the in vitro antagonistic effect of five T... ... |
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