Author(s): THIEL, C. H.; DAVID, F. A. de; GALON, L.; DEUNER, S.; FORTE, C. T.; PERIN, G. F.; DAVID, P. R. de; MOSSI, A. J.; ANDRES, A.; CONCENCO, G. Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2018 |
Author(s): GALON, L.; CONCENCO, G.; PERIN, G. F.; SILVA, A. F. da; FORTE, C. T.; DAVID, F. de A.; RADÜZ, L. L.; RADUNZ, A. L.; ANDRES, A.; TIRONI, S. P.; CONCENÇO, S. E. Competition between crops and weeds interfere on growth and development with harm to one or both, in different ways. To quantify these differences in competition, additive and replacement series study... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2015 |
Author(s): ARAUJO, G. P. de Drawing from previous studies, this review proposes a research agenda in regard to household food waste, a neglected topic within the field of consumer behavior. This phenomenon has remarkable social... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2016 |
Author(s): ATTIAS, N.; MIRANDA, F. R.; SENA, L. M. M.; TOMAS, W. M.; MOURAO, G. It is believed that the two species of Tolypeutes Illiger, 1811are the only armadillos that do not dig their own burrows, and that these species simply re-use burrows dug by other species. Here, we sh... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2016 |
Author(s): BROEKMAN, M. J. E.; HILBERS, J. P.; HUIJBREGTS, M. A. J.; MUELLER, T.; ALI, A.; ANDRÉN, H.; ALTMANN, J.; ARONSSON, M.; ATTIAS, N.; BARTLAM-BROOKS, H. L. A.; BEEST, F. M. V.; BELANT, J. L.; BEYER, D. E.; BIDNER, L.; BLAUM, N.; BOONE, R. B.; BOYCE, M. S.; BROWN, M. B.; CAGNACCI, F.; CERNE, R.; CHAMAILLÉ-JAMMES, S.; DEJID, N.; DEKKER, J.; DESBIEZ, A. L. J.; DÍAZ-MUÑOZ, S. L.; FENNESSY, J.; FICHTEL, C.; FISCHER, C.; FISHER, J. T.; FISCHHOFF, I.; FORD, A. T.; FRYXELL, J. M.; GEHR, B.; GOHEEN, J. R.; HAUPTFLEISCH, M.; HEWISON, A. J. M.; HERING, R.; HEURICH, M.; ISBELL, L. A.; JANSSEN, R.; JELTSCH, F.; KACZENSKY, P.; KAPPELER, P. M.; KROFEL, M.; LAPOINT, S.; LATHAM, A. D. M.; LINNELL, J. D. C.; MARKHAM, A. C.; MATTISSON, J.; MEDICI, E. P.; MOURAO, G.; MOORTER, B. V.; MORATO, R. G.; MORELLET, N.; MYSTERUD, A.; MWIU, S.; ODDEN, J.; OLSON, K. A.; ORNICANS, A.; PAGON, N.; PANZACCHI, M.; PETROELJE, T.; ROLANDSEN, C. M.; ROSHIER, D.; RUBENSTEIN, D. I.; SAÏD, S.; SALEMGAREYEV, A. R.; SAWYER, H.; SCHMIDT, N. M.; SELVA, N.; SERGIEL, A.; STABACH, J.; STACY-DAWES, J.; STEWART, F. E. C.; STIEGLER, J.; STRAND, O.; SUNDARESAN, S.; SVOBODA, N. J.; ULLMANN, W.; VOIGT, U.; WALL, J.; WIKELSKI, M.; WILMERS, C. C.; ZIEBA, F.; ZWIJACZ-KOZICA, T.; SCHIPPER, A. M.; TUCKER, M. A. Macroecological studies that require habitat suitability data for many species often derive this information from expert opinion. However, expert-based information is inherently subjective and thus pr... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2022 |
Author(s): NASSU, R. T.; MAURICIO, R. A.; CORDEIRO, C. de S.; FRANCISCO, V. C. Packaging affects physicochemical and sensory characteristics of meat. The use of edible coatings is an alternative to extend the shelf life of meat, but the consumer acceptance of this type of produc... ... Repository: BDPA Publication year: 2020 |