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Author(s): ALMEIDA, R. E. M.; FAVARIN, J. L.; PIEROZAN JUNIOR, C.; LAGO, B. C.; OLIVEIRA, F. B.; REIS, A. F. B. The study evaluates the influence of Palisadegrass in the use of N fertilizer, according to forms of implantation of Palisadegrass intercropped with corn in Brazil. |
Author(s): ALMEIDA, R. E. M. de; FAVARIN, J. L.; OTTO, R.; PIEROZAN JUNIOR, C.; OLIVEIRA, S. M. de; TEZOTTO, T.; LAGO, B. C. Pasture and grain crop intercropping is considered an alternative for increasing biomass production during the winter periods in Brazil for the establishment of no-tillage systems. We studied nitrogen... ... |
Intercropping of young grapevines with native grasses for phytoremediation of Cu-contaminated soils. Author(s): DE CONTI, L.; CERETTA, C. A.; MELO, G. W. B. de; TIECHER, T. L.; SILVA, L. O. S.; GARLET, L. P.; MIMMO, T.; CESCO, S.; BRUNETTO, G. Intercropping may be a strategy for phytoremediation of vineyard soils with high copper (Cu) content. The study aimed to evaluate the contribution of South American native grasses in limiting Cu avail... ... |
Author(s): FRANCHINI, J. C.; BALBINOT JUNIOR, A. A.; DEBIASI, H.; PROCÓPIO, S. de O. RESUMO: A integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP) tem demonstrado benefícios tanto para a produção de grãos, quanto para a pecuária. O cultivo de espécies forrageiras entre duas safras de soja é uma forma i... ... |
Author(s): MARTINS, C. R.; RODRIGUES, G. S.; BARROS, I. de Abstract: The economic and environmental performances of agriculture intercropping depend on the complementarities between the crops that make up the system. The objective of this work was to analyze... ... |
Author(s): SANTOS, T. S. dos; ALBUQUERQUE, J. de A. A. de; MEDEIROS, R. D. de; ROCHA, P. R. R.; ALVES, J. M. A.; CASTRO, T. S.; GONÇALVES, A. C. de M.; MELO, A. K. P.
Author(s): SANTOS, J. C. F.; CUNHA, A. J. da; FERREIRA, F. A.; SAKIYAMA, N. S.; LIMA, P. C. de
Author(s): NOLLA, A.; JUCKSH, I.; CASTALDO, J. H.; ALVARENGA, R. C.; ALBRECHT, L. P. The presence of weeds on fields is a concern for farmers, due to competition with the commercial crops, reducing yields. The intercropping of maize with legumes provides weed control; after senescence... ... |
Author(s): BARBIERI, J. D.; FREITAS, P. S. L. de; DALLACORT, R.; ZOLIN, C. A.; DANIEL, D. F.; FENNER, W.; SOUZA, A. C. S. Conservation systems of production are promoting yields and profitability, intercropping systems aim at sustainable maximization of soil and water use, and have become an alternative for regions chara... ... |
Author(s): ALMEIDA, R. E. M. de; FAVARIN, J. L.; OTTO, R.; FRANCO, H.; REIS, A. F. B.; MOREIRA, L. A.; TRIVELIN, P. Intercropping corn and palisade grass is a technique to increase straw production, soil C contents, nutrient cycling and crop yield. However, concerns arise from nitrogen (N) uptake by the intercroppi... ... |
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