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Trata-se de recomendações para o cultivo da seringueira em sistemas agroflorestais geradas ou adaptadas pela Embrapa e por outras instituições de pesquisa, bem como pelo setor produtivo. São desta


Agricultural System: Integrated production system     Launch year: 1997     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

Production systems that combine crops with forestry and fruit trees in the same area, aimed at a more efficient use of natural resources. Arrangements of species, spacing and management dynamics are d

Agricultural System: Production system with intercropping or polyculture     Launch year: 2020     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Environment

The organic production systems show a systemic focus for the management of production units, prioritizing environmental conservation, biodiversity, biological cycles, and quality of life. Brazil h


Agricultural System: Integrated production system     Launch year: 1993     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Agrobiology