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This is high yield yellow table cassava cultivar that reaches up to 70 tons per hectare. As the plant architecture has little branching, it favors crop treatments. Due to its precocity, the cultivar s

Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2015     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

*Content only available in Portuguese

Com frutos bicolores verde-amarelo, a BRS Brasileirinha foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de disponibilizar um produto diferenciado, com o potencial para explorar nichos de mercado de alto


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2006     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Vegetables

This is a yellow-colored-pulp table cassava cultivar that has a high level of betacarotene - a precursor to vitamin A - in its roots. It reaches a yield of up to 50 tons per hectare, and should be har

Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2015     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados

*Content only available in Portuguese

A batata-doce CIP BRS Nuti é uma cultivar de casca rosada e polpa alaranjada com alta estabilidade de produção. Ela foi desenvolvida com a finalidade de oferecer ao mercado uma cultivar específica


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2021     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Vegetables

It is a cream-fleshed colour sweet cassava cultivar, with a beta-carotene content of around 4 ppm, with good yield and organoleptic qualities. It is recommended for the Recôncavo Baiano and Tabule


Product: Cultivar     Launch year: 2005     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits