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The application offers the user the bio-input options registered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Map) in the National Bio-Input Catalog, in addition to relevant information r


Product: Software     Launch year: 2020     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Digital Agriculture

The Multifunctional Inoculant for Pastures with Brachiaria grasses, containing Azospirillum brasilense and Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria, can be used both as pastures are establ

Product: Inoculant     Launch year: 2021     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Soybean

*Content only available in Portuguese

É um produto que contém uma combinação de estirpes bacterianas que atuam na fixação biológica de nitrogênio, na promoção de crescimento e na prevenção ao ataque de fungos em sementes de soja. Comp


Product: Inoculant     Launch year: 2024     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Agrobiology

The bioinsecticide was developed in partnership with the company Lallemand Plant Care and its active ingredient is the fungus Cordyceps javanica (BRM27666). This is the first product with th

Product: Agrochemicals and similar chemical and/or biological products     Launch year: 2023     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Rice & Beans

*Content only available in Portuguese

A nova formulação de inoculante líquido contendo as estirpes de Azospirillum brasilense Ab-V5 e Ab-V6 para as culturas do milho, proporciona elevada concentração de células e tempo de pra


Product: Inoculant     Launch year: 2025     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Soybean

*Content only available in Portuguese

Este produto tem como ingrediente ativo a cepa BRM-29600 de Trichoderma harzianum, depositada na coleção biológica da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão e selecionada pela Toyobo, visando ao desenvolvimento d


Product: Agrochemicals and similar chemical and/or biological products     Launch year: 2024     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Rice & Beans