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E-PlanFor is a software that assists in rural property planning, with simulations on food and water demands for herds, deployment and maintenance costs of areas for food production and feed formulatio

Product: Software     Launch year: 2017     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Semi-arid Region

The Guaxupe System is composed of low impact technologies and management practices for sustainable intensification of pasture-based livestock production, with lower economic investment and higher


Agricultural System: Other agricultural systems     Launch year: 2023     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Acre

*Content only available in Portuguese

Aplicativo de fácil uso que auxilia os produtores rurais a planejar a alimentação de seus rebanhos, principalmente para períodos críticos como nos meses de estiagem. A prática da orçamentação forr


Product: Software     Launch year: 2017     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Goats & Sheep