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SisILPF_Teca software is a simulator that can support management activities, economic analysis, and planning for Tectona grandis as the forest component in integrated crop-livestock-forest systems


Product: Software     Launch year: 2021     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Forestry

SisILPF_Eucalipto software runs simulations of how eucalyptus plantations in integrated crop-livestock-forest systems will grow and produce, according to the management regimes indicated by the us


Product: Software     Launch year: 2018     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Forestry

The method presents technical recommendations for integrated systems in Acre and allows for grain production combined with the renovation of pastures and introduction of tree species. It includes


Agricultural System: Integrated production system     Launch year: 2013     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Acre

The Gravataí System is one of the technologies available for integrated crop-livestock (ICL) systems, specifically in the “second-season cattle” strategy, when forage and livestock are the main ac


Agricultural practice: For grazing management     Launch year: 2018     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Agrosilvopastoral

SisILPF_Taeda software is a simulator that can support management activities, economic analysis, and planning for Pinus taeda as the forest component in integrated crop-livestock-forest systems. T


Product: Software     Launch year: 2021     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Forestry

SisILPF_Elliottii software is a simulator that can support management activities, economic analysis, and planning for Pinus elliottii as the forest component in integrated crop-livestock-forest sy


Product: Software     Launch year: 2021     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Forestry

SisILPF_Cedro software performs simulations to support management activities, economic analysis, and planning for Toona ciliata as the forest component in integrated crop-livestock-forest systems.


Product: Software     Launch year: 2021     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Forestry

SisILPF_Mogno software is a simulator that can support management activities, economic analysis, and planning for Kaya spp. trees as the forest component in integrated crop-livestock-forest system


Product: Software     Launch year: 2021     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Forestry

Fast-K is a rapid test to determine the concentration of potassium (K) in soybean leaves under field conditions in an efficient and reliable way, speeding up decision making if potassium deficienc


Methodology: Methodology     Launch year: 2019     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Soybean

The availability of the Pineapple Culture Production System for the state of Acre, Brazil, has the objective of providing access to knowledge and technological solutions to all segments li


Agricultural System: Cultivation system     Launch year: 2018     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Acre