*Content only available in Portuguese Agricultural practice: For fertilization and soil fertility management Launch year: 2006 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados |
*Content only available in Portuguese Agricultural practice: For fertilization and soil fertility management Launch year: 2008 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados |
*Content only available in Portuguese Product: Lineage, strain, isolate to produce food, beverage, coloring, additive or energy Launch year: 2000 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados |
*Content only available in Portuguese Agricultural practice: For irrigation management Launch year: 2003 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados |
*Content only available in Portuguese Agricultural practice: For fertilization and soil fertility management Launch year: 2002 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados |
*Content only available in Portuguese Product: Inoculant Launch year: 2018 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Agrobiology |
*Content only available in Portuguese Agricultural practice: For soil management Launch year: 2007 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Vegetables |
*Content only available in Portuguese Product: Inoculant Launch year: 2016 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Soybean |
*Content only available in Portuguese Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2007 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Southeastern Livestock |
*Content only available in Portuguese Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2014 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Southern Livestock |