Embrapa's Eligibility Committee
Embrapa's Eligibility Committee aims at helping shareholders (that is, the Federal Government of Brazil) check the compliance of processes of nomination and evaluation of the administrators (Administrative Council and Executive Board) and Fiscal Council members.
The Committee's attributions are as follows:
- Issue opinions, in order to help the nominations of administrators and supervisory board members, about the requirements and the absence of prohibitions for the respective selection processes.
- Check the compliance of the process of evaluating nominees.
It is composed by three members, including company employees, at least one of which is a member of the Audit Committee (Coaud) and another from the Administrative Council (Consad).
Members of the Committee (Consad Resolution no. 235, Oct 21, 2022, BCA 57/2022):
Daniel Kluppel Carrara (Consad nominee)
Gilson Alceu Bittencourt (Coaud nominee)
Luciano Fernandes (Coaud nominee)
Minutes of Meetings
(Links for the files in Portuguese)