The National Advisory Board (Conselho Assessor Nacional - CAN) is a consulting body that advises the Executive Board and aims to assist in the definition and harmonization of strategic actions that are relevant to plan Embrapa's program. Two ordinary meetings are held each year, as convened by the President. 


CAN is responsible for advising Embrapa in the analysis of public policy and institutional arrangements that are necessary to maximize Brazilian agriculture's technological innovation potential.

The Board also suggests priorities that must be established in the formulation of the Corporation's strategic plans, based on each institution's perceptions and experience, and contributes to defining and harmonizing guidelines and goals for research programming and for technology transfer.

Composition Composition

CAN is composed by 40 members, three of which are natural members and 37, appointed by institutions of excellence in Brazil


Executive Secretary:

Natural Member:

  • Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply.

Appointed Members: 

  • Brazilian Academy of Sciences
  • Brazilian Cooperation Agency
  • Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development
  • National Water Agency
  • National Network of Agroecological Production
  • Brazilian Association of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension
  • Brazilian Association of Rural Marketing & Agribusiness
  • Brazilian Supermarket Association
  • Brazilian Agribusiness Association
  • Brazilian Economic and Social Development Bank
  • Agriculture, Livestock, and Rural Development Committee of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies
  • Science and Technology Committee of the Chamber of Deputies
  • Environment and Sustainable Development Committee of the Chamber of Deputies
  • Agriculture Committee of the Brazilian Senate
  • Science and Technology Committee of the Senate
  • Environment, Consumer Policy, and Inspection and Control Committee of the Senate
  • Committee of Entities against Hunger and for Life  
  • National Council on Food Security and Nutrition
  • Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock
  • National Council of Scientific and Technological Development
  • Higher Council for Agribusiness
  • National Confederation of Workers in Agriculture
  • National Council of State Secretaries of Agriculture
  • National Council of State Agricultural Research Systems
  • General Coordination of Thematic Sector Chambers
  • Council of Rectors of Brazilian Universities
  • Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel
  • National Federation of Family Farming Workers
  • Studies and Projects Financing Agency
  • São Paulo State Foundation for Research Support
  • Institutional Security Cabinet of the Brazilian Presidency
  • Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources
  • Brazilian Cooperative Organisation
  • Petrobras
  • Secretariat of Strategic Studies of the Brazilian Presidency
  • National Union of Workers from Institutions of Agricultural Research and Development
  • Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science