The four Directorates combined with the Presidency (PR) form Embrapa's Executive-Board (DE). The DE's attributions are defined in the applicable federal legislation and Embrapa's Statute. It is the responsibility of the DE:

  • To make the necessary decisions to fulfill the mission and achieve the vision and strategic objectives defined in Embrapa's Master Plan (PDE), taking into consideration the information and performance of strategy monitoring and strategy;
  • To deliberate on issues related to meeting the Corporation's strategic agenda, which is explained in the PDE;
  • To promote the management of Embrapa in a balanced way, managing the organization's critical perspectives: people, information, processes, clients, institutional and financial sustainability;
  • To ensure that the strategic guidelines reflect the needs of Embrapa's competitive environment and government guidelines, thus enabling decision-making at the strategic, tactical and operational levels;
  • To ensure that the planning figures are aligned, coherent and integrated with their respective development in the RD&I and Institutional Management planning.

Director Director