Agriculture moved by Science

Agriculture moved by Science

Information about Embrapa presented directly, in brief and with illustrations, underscoring benefits for society, major ongoing research themes and essential data about the company's performance. File only available in Portuguese.

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Embrapa in figures

Embrapa in figures

Publication developed from data available by Embrapa and by other institutions from Brazil and from abroad. With charts and tables, it shows agricultural indicators and data about infrastructure, budget, teams and research program, gathering information for an outlook on the company's general scope of work. File only available in Portuguese.

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Social Report

Social Report

Annual publication that aim at quantifying Embrapa's social profits in the course of the year. It is the result of a survey of the impact of technologies on productivity increases, cost reduction, value aggregation, production expansion, job generation, in addition to benefits to society and to the environment.

Access the Social Report's web page