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Embrapa News Agency
News report 10/12/2024
Developing quantum computing is strategic for agriculture in Brazil
Study maps applications, challenges and benefits of the technology in Brazilian agriculture -
News report 26/11/2024
Science develops sweeter and more profitable blackberry variety
BRS Terena's production peaks at 1.8 kg per plant and can generate nearly US$ 5,000 per hectare. -
News report 01/10/2024
Method can detect mycotoxin directly in corn kernels
NIR-HSI technique can quantify fumonisin with no grinding or use of chemical reagents -
News report 24/09/2024
Sugarcane borer a silent pest of sorghum crops
Research shows that caterpillar reduces crop yield -
News report 10/09/2024
Climate change has blast reduce global wheat production by 13%
Study published in Nature estimates that the disease has the potential to reach 13.5 million hectares of the crop by 2050 -
News report 03/09/2024
Science uses gene editing to develop blast-resistant rice
CRISPR/Cas9 was used to knock out two genes that relate to the the most destructive rice disease -
News report 20/08/2024
Artificial intelligence analyzes leaf temperature to identify water needs
Low-cost sensor developed by Embrapa can automatically set off irrigation systems -
News report 13/08/2024
New gluten-free food products combine cereal and pulse nutrients
Snack, flour, pasta, and bread recipe with chickpeas and beans are already available for partnerships -
News report 13/08/2024
Ton of carbon dioxide equivalent in Brazilian citrus farming estimated at US$7.72
Estimate can serve as a basis for payments for environmental services -
News report 06/08/2024
Citric acid improves tilapia feed quality
Supplementation has fish make better use of phosphorus and calcium -
News report 06/08/2024
Study validates fall armyworm control strategies in integrated corn production systems
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is deemed the best pest control in such systems -
News report 23/07/2024
Protocol allows yield gap estimates and improved pasture performance
Analysis estimates the difference between current and potential yield, thus identifying opportunities for improvement -
News report 16/07/2024
Lack of clarity of the concept of bioeconomy can be harmful to the Amazon
Finding was published on the journal Ecological Economics, in an analysis authored by Brazilian and foreign researchers -
News report 09/07/2024
Brazil helps Nigeria increase dairy production with Girolando Breed
African country's production of 2L a day per animal can leap to 15L a day -
News report 02/07/2024
Researchers obtain gelatin from tambaqui skin
Advance adds value and reduces waste by using parts of the fish that were used as animal feed -
News report 25/06/2024
Traceability and geographical indication will boost Brazilian pine nut production chain
Studies by Embrapa and partners result in new protocol that provides the product with quality assurance and added value -
News report 11/06/2024
Tropical forest temperatures are rising, says study in Nature Climate Change
The areas grew warmer in the last 14 years in comparison with historical records -
News report 11/06/2024
Hydrogel increases survival of cashew seedlings
Test in Ceará shows that water-retaining polymer increased the survival of seedlings of the dwarf cashew clone ‘BRS 226’ -
News report 04/06/2024
Research develops lentil and chickpea protein concentrates
Innovations offer new ingredients for plant-based foods in Brazil -
News report 04/06/2024
Embrapa's lettuces grew at 30°C for 45 days
Experiments simulating future climate scenarios tested eleven lettuce cultivars
— 20 Items per Page