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Serves the internal and mainly external fresh fruit market. The cultivar is free from the citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) agent, but has cannelures of the citrus sadness virus (CTV), and its pla ...Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2013 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits |
Cultivate free from the exocortex viroid and considered tolerant to the disease citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) or yellowing, caused by the bacteria Xylella fastidiosa. Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2013 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits |
BRS EECB IAC Ponta Firme is a Tahiti acid lime (lemon) cultivar that stands out for its high fruit productivity, tolerance to the citrus tristeza virus and absence of the exocortis viroid. It was ...Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2023 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits |
The adoption of organic production systems gives rise to a healthy product, free of contaminants, as neither synthetic nor transgenic agrochemicals are used. The certified organic product ...Agricultural System: Cultivation system Launch year: 2022 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits |
*Content only available in Portuguese
A cultura da lima-ácida Tahiti é de grande importância para a economia brasileira, pois gera emprego e renda em dezenas de municípios e é explorada por agricultores familiares e de pequeno porte. ...Agricultural practice: For driving/pruning Launch year: 2005 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits |
*Content only available in Portuguese
A lima ácida ‘Tahiti’ [Citrus latifólia (Yu.Tanka) Tanaka] é a quinta fruta mais exportada do Brasil e se constitui em uma das mais expressivas dentre as cítricas. A planta adulta apresenta copa a ...Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2012 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits |
It serves the fresh fruit market, producing fruit in the off-season. It can also be used for juice processing and essential oil extraction. Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2022 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits |
Recommended for use with scions of sweet orange (mainly Pera orange), mandarin and Tahiti lime trees, it promotes some characteristics such as efficiency in terms of productivity and fruit quality ...Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2011 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits |
Recommended for use with scions of sweet orange, mandarin and, mainly, acid Tahiti lime trees. It promotes some characteristics to the scion varieties such as efficiency in terms of produ ...Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2011 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits |