Sustainable Development Goals - SDG
Technologies Technologies
Check here some of our products, processes, services, systems and other technological solutions that bring Embrapa's work and international commitment in line with the SDGs. Or, at the bottom of the page, search out catalogue of technological solutions.
The Full Bucket Program is a technology transfer methodology that builds capacity of professionals in the areas of technical assistance, rural ext...
*Content only available in Portuguese
Agricultural System
Há mais de uma década, as áreas irrigadas do Submédio do Vale do São Francisco respondem por mais de 90% das uvas exportadas pelo Brasil. O mercad...
Agricultural practice
Modeflora is a process of forest planning that employs different digital technologies to map the forest and generate information to facilitate pla...
BRS Verde is a cultivar with light-green colored fiber whose cycle varies between 130 and 140 days. The plants present an average height of 127 cm...
Agricultural practice
Small dams are small drainage ditches excavated in the soil in the shape of a circle or a half moon, with average diameter of 16 m and average dep...