Through radio waves or on the web, Embrapa broadcasts information and news to the production sector and those interested in new findings in agricultural research. On this page you can check the radio shows and podcasts the company has produced.
Prosa Rural
Prosa Rural [Rural Talks] is a radio show about technologies and low-cost easily-adoptable products to improve the life of smallholders and youth in rural communities.
The Agroenergético [Agroenergetic] podcast is produced by Embrapa Agroenergy to disseminate information on research, technologies and novelties for biomass, chemical and renewable materials industries and for industrial biotechnology.
Entomologia em podcast
Entomologia em podcast [Entomology in podcasts] is a podcast produced by Embrapa Cerrados that addresses different subjects related to insects, with themes that interest researchers, rural extension agents, and entomology students.
Terra & Alimento
Terra & Alimento [Land and Food] is a podcast produced by Embrapa Foods and Territories with news and discussions about the food diversity of Brazilian peoples and territories, distinct Brazilian foods, food landscapes, gastronomic and agritourism itineraries, public policy to strengthen food and nutrition, fighing food waste, and much more.
Raiz & Fruto
Raiz & Fruto [Root & Fruit] is a podcast produced by the Embrapa Cassava and Fruits that brings interviews about research and technology transfer activities in the pineapple, banana, citrus, papaya, mango, passion fruit and cassava production chains.
Falando de trigo
Embrapa Wheat's podcast Falando de trigo [Speaking of wheat] presents a chat show with experts on topics related to the wheat, barley, triticale, rye, oats and canola production chains.
Café com ciência
Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology produces the podcast Café com ciência [Coffee with Science] with news from research developed in their laboratories located in Brasília, DF, Brazil. -
ILPF na Rede
[ICLFS online] Podcasts produced by Embrapa Agrosilvopastoral that share farmers' experiences in integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems and answer questions about the subject. -
Minutos com a Embrapa
Você vai ouvir entrevistas com pesquisadores da Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste e também de pequenos, médios e grandes produtores. São temas atuais e que interessam à sociedade como um todo: do rural ao urbano. -
Bem-vindo ao PodCarne - canal do Centro de Inteligência da Carne Bovina em parceria com o Comitê Gestor do Portfolio Carnes, ambos da Embrapa.
Aqui, cientistas e convidados quinzenalmente abordam fatos e mitos sobre a produção e o consumo de carne bovina, tudo com base no melhor que a ciência pode ofertar sobre essas temáticas. -
Rede ODS Embrapa
O Arroz, Feijão & ODS é uma produção da Rede ODS Embrapa que apresenta as contribuições da Embrapa e parceiros aos 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Agenda 2030 da ONU. Em cada episódio será apresentado fatos, ações e acontecimentos ligados àquele tema do ODS.