The President (PR) and the four Directors form Embrapa's Executive Board (DE, acronym in Portuguese). It is the responsibility of the Presidency and of each of the Directorates:
- To promote activities aimed at improving and integrating people, structures and processes under its responsibility, in line with institutional strategies.
- To encourage the compatibility of the activities of the Units under its supervision with sectoral public policy, the Government of Brazil's Multiannual Plan (PPA) and Brazil's Government Budget regarding agricultural research, the scientific and technological development of the agricultural sector and innovation in Brazilian agriculture;
- To provide the necessary institutional conditions for the management of the Central Units (UCs) under its responsibility, as well as for the implementation and development of related processes;
- To direct and coordinate the performance of the UCs, and monitor the management and the performance of the processes under its responsibility;
- To direct and monitor the management of the Decentralized Units (UDs) under its responsibility, supporting the interaction with the DE and the UCs, as well as relations with partners and external organizations, whenever it is necessary;
- To guide the managers of the UCs and UDs regarding the alignement, interface and impacts, among strategies, processes and multi-disciplinary actions in intra and inter-organizational levels;
- To coordinate information related to its area of expertise in order to support the DE's decision-making process.