Conservação in situ e manejo de Recursos Genéticos
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The In situ conservation of genetic resources includes conservation, management and restoration of populations of species and associated ecosystems. In situ conservation is a key component of the national system for conservation of genetic resources of any country, ensuring that natural evolutionary processes and modifications resulting from the interaction with the landscape and cultural environment are maintained, allowing the accumulation of genetic variability adapted to environmental and social changes. The In situ Conservation and Management of Genetic Resources Research Group focuses on research and innovation to support and promote conservation in both natural environments and agricultural ecosystems.
Our research includes biological inventories and geographical analysis for conservation planning, assessment and development of management techniques aimed at the sustainable use of biodiversity, ecological restoration in degraded landscapes, and the analysis and promotion of genetic resources conservation by local communities and farmers. These studies support actions and public policy towards conservation, ensuring that not only species and their respective habitats but also human communities and their way of life are maintained.