Introduction Introduction


    This place carries a legacy built for two of the most important livestock activities in the country! This is Embrapa Swine and Poultry. This is where knowledge that reshaped Brazilian swine and poultry emerged.

    Embrapa Swine and Poultry plays a fundamental role in disease control, improvement of animal feed and animal genetic quality, preservation of the environment and development of equipment for swine and poultry farming.

    It also does a vital job together with the government, industry and producers to overcome the growing demands for pork, chicken and eggs exports.

    All this work is done in the Unit located in an important productive region of both activities in Brazil, in the city of Concordia in Santa Catarina. Here, we are close to producers, farms, agro-industries and the entire productive sector. What happens in our research center is replicated throughout Brazil and serves as a reference to the world! In addition, our solutions are developed to serve small, medium and large producers.


    The expansion of pig and poultry farming in the 1960s and 1970s justified the establishment of the National Swine Research Center on June 13, 1975. Three years later, studies began on birds. Thus, the National Swine and Poultry Reseach Center, now Embrapa Swine and Poultry, was born.

    Over the years, we won 115 awards in research in Brazil and abroad. It's more than 400 new technologies developed and about 5,000 articles published.

    The results of these studies are passed on to the productive sector through publications, field days, courses, demonstration units, events, service provision, computer programs and mobile applications.

    Our purpose is to work at peak performance to act at the forefront and anticipate trends for production chains to develop their full potential and feed people from Brazil and all over the world with quality and safety.

Institutional video Institutional video

Where we are Where we are