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The infection of the swine herd with Salmonella and consequently, the presence of this micro-organism in swine products, has been a serious concern since it can be a great threat to the consumers themselves. Embrapa Swine and Poultry and UFRGS teamed up to develop tools and epidemiological studies that can characterize the problem, the contamination sources and the infection dynamics in the country's southern herds. This project aims to propose a systematic control of the Salmonella infection in

Status: Completed     Start date: Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2007

Salmonella spp. is a bacterial genus subject to constant health surveillance in poultry products' production and commercialization. Its presence may imply that meat and meat products cannot be commercialized, since it affects both slaughter animals and consumers' health. Traditional methods of isolation and identification of Salmonella spp. require at least five days for conclusive results. As an additional factor, changes in the bacterial cell surface's antigen expression can lead to false-nega

Status: In progress     Start date: Sun Mar 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2020