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Author(s): GALLINA, M. A.; QUIRINO, M. W.; FRANDOLOSO, R.; TUTIDA, Y. H.; NORENBERG, A.; COLDEBELLA, A.; BIANCHI, I.; KICH, J. D. This study evaluated vaccination and prophylactic use of antimicrobials as strategies to prevent Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy (PPE) during nursery and growth-finishing phases. The prophylactic ad... ... |
Author(s): ARCE, M. S. Z.; TAGLIAPIETRA, E. L. L.; WINCK, J. E. M.; ALVES, A. F.; PORTA, F. S. D.; FACCO, T. B.; STRECK, N. A.; SOARES, M. F.; FERRÃO, G. da E.; DEBONA, D.; COSTA, C. H. M. da; BEGA, R. M.; FOCHESATTO, E.; KRABBE, E. L.; ZANON, A. J. Abstract: The demand for high-quality soybeans is increasing. The composition of soybean grain can vary with genetics, biophysical, and management factors. In particular, studies on protein concentrat... ... |
Author(s): TAVERNARI, F. de C.; KUNZ, A.; FEDDERN, V.; STEINMETZ, R. L. R.; MELLO, P. de A.; DRESSLER, V. L. ABSTRACT: This research evaluated phosphorus availability, from phosphate extracted from swine wastewater, in broilers. Phosphorus inorganic contaminants were determined. Afterward, an experiment was... ... |
Author(s): SCHUTZ, E. R. D.; MIGNONI, D. S. B.; MICHELON, W.; NUNES, E. de O. ABSTRACT: The contamination of water bodies through domestic, agricultural, and industrial discharges remains a critical environmental challenge, leading to eutrophication and harmful impacts on aquat... ... |
Author(s): RODRIGUES, T. A.; GIEHL, D. Z.; CAMACHO, J. da S.; AVILA, V. S. de; KRABBE, E. L.; ROLL, A. A. P.; ROLL, V. F. B. ABSTRACT: A total of 860 Embrapa 051 pullets were allocated into three groups based on their 19-week body weights (heavy: 1.48 kg ± 0.01 SD, N= 172 birds, medium: 1.32 kg ± 0.039 SD, N= 516 birds, lig... ... |
Author(s): CARMO, M. R.; LUDKE, M. C. M. M.; BERTOL, T. M.; LUDKE, J. V.; COLDEBELLA, A.; CRUZ, C. P.; RECH, H.; AMADO, P. Z. ABSTRACT: The inactivated whole soy (IWS) was studied in pigs to determine the energy value through a metabolism trial and evaluate the effect of IWS and protease on performance, carcass traits, and e... ... |