Ronaldo Pereira de Oliveira

Researcher Embrapa Soils


Curriculum Lattes

Office of the Deputy Head of: Research and Development

Date of Hire: 06/03/1990

Registration: 274431


bachelor's at Engenharia Eletrônica from Universidade Gama Filho (1987), master's at Geoinformation For Rural Applications from Agricultural University - Wageningen (1996) and doctorate at Precision Agriculture Science Research Degree from The University of Sydney - Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (2009). Has experience in Computer Science, focusing on Information Systems, acting on the following subjects: geoprocessamento, within-field variability, scenarios simulation, site-specific crop management and geografic information system (gis). More recently working with a multisensor platform for proximal soil attribute mapping.


1984 - 1986

Especialização em Master of Art

Montgomery College - Rockville, MD.

Title: Computer Science - Mathematical Applications

Obtained year: 1986

1994 - 1996

Mestrado em Geoinformation For Rural Applications

Agricultural University - Wageningen

Title: GeoInformation System Analysis and Design for Research Application in Sustainable Agriculture at Sub-Regional Level - A Prototype Implementation for Alora, a Case Study in Spain

Obtained year: 1996

Advisor: Dr. Gert Jan Hofsted and Dr. Prof. Martien Molenaar

Keywords: GIS, USLE, Land Evaluation System, UML, sustentabilidade, Sistemas de Informação Geográfica - SIG

Area: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Geosciences / Subárea: Geoprocessing / Especialidade: Time-Space Modelling

Area: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Computer science / Subárea: Computer systems / Especialidade: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS

2005 - 2009

Doutorado em Precision Agriculture Science Research Degree

The University of Sydney - Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

Title: Contributions Towards Decision Support for Site-Specific Crop Management

Obtained year: 2009

Advisor: Dr. Prof. Alex B. McBratney and Dr. Brett M. Whelan

Keywords: Within-Field Variability, Delineation of Management Zones, Knowledge Intensive Management, Site-Specific Crop Management

Area: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Computer science / Subárea: Computational Mathematics / Especialidade: Analytical and Simulation Models

Area: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: / Especialidade:

1979 - 1987

Graduação em Engenharia Eletrônica

Universidade Gama Filho

Title: Programador Inteligente de EPROM (Erasable-Programable Read Only Memory)

Obtained year: 1987

Advisor: Gilson Frydman

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Computer science / Subárea: Computing Methodology and Techniques / Especialidade: Information Systems
  2. Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Geosciences / Subárea: Geomatica e Geoestatistica
  3. Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Computer science / Subárea: Computational Mathematics / Especialidade: Analytical and Simulation Models
  4. Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Computer science / Subárea: Theory of Computation / Especialidade: Programming Logic and Semantics
  5. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Soil Science
  6. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Soil Science / Especialidade: Mapeamento e Interpretação
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