Priscila Zaczuk Bassinello - Team
Office of the Deputy Head of: Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento e Inovação
Role: Supervisor III
Date of Hire: 10/07/2002
Registration: 309373
PhD Researcher in Food Science at Embrapa Alimentos e Territórios - CNAT (2021-current) focusing on food and nutritional security, whole use and characterization of products from regional agrobiodiversity. Works in the area of #8203;#8203;characterizing the quality of ingredients and raw materials for the development, conservation, valuation and certification of regional agri-food products. Executive secretary of the CNAT internal technical committee. Alternate member of CONSEA-AL. Member of the Embrapa food observatory. Executive Secretary (2013- 2017) and member (2021-current) of the Steering Committee of the Embrapa Project Portfolio in Food: Safety, Nutrition and Health. Researcher at Embrapa Arroz Feijão (2002-2021) focusing on grain quality - technological, nutritional, functional, biofortification and sensory quality of beans, rice and their by-products for food development. Coordinator of the AACC rice division (2011), Member of the International Network for Quality Rice led by IRRI (2011-2014), Head of the Embrapa Research Group of Special Rice and Bean grains (2015-2016), Executive Secretary (2013-2017) and member (2021 on) of the Managing Committee of the Embrapa Project Portfolio in Food: Safety, Nutrition and Health. Collaborated with the Embrapas Document Vision 2030: the future of Brazilian agriculture (2018). She was titled Ambassador of Beans by the Sectorial Chamber of the Bean and Pulses Productive Chain, at the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture (2018), due to her technical-scientific recognition in the bean quality area. Professor who advises Master/Doctors students on Food Science and Technology at the Goias Federal University and collaborates with other University programs. Authored/co-authored more than 70 research papers, 1 book and 6 book chapters in the last 10 years, and has just published an international book on ''Phaseolus vulgaris: Cultivars, Production and Uses'', as editor. Contributed to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) consensus document on common bean constituents (Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds, No. 27). Co-inventor of a Brazilian patent 14224-6 (2012) on a Computer Program for automation of Mattson Bean Cooker, at INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property).Member of the Editorial Board of Food Chemistry as Review Editor for Frontiers in Chemistry and Nutrition (2019-2022). Associate editor of the Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (2023-current).
1992 - 1996
Graduação em Engenharia Agronômica
Universidade de São Paulo
Title: Hibridização in situ da enzima Sacarose Fosfato Sintase nos diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento do fruto da bananeira (Musa acuminata L.)
Obtained year: 1996
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Luís Antonio Gutierrez
1995 - 1995
Graduação em Engenharia Agronômica
Universidade de São Paulo
Title: Iniciação Científica 'O consumo alimentar de crianças atendidas pelas creches municipais de Piracicaba'
Obtained year: 1995
Advisor: Marina Vieira da Silva
1997 - 2002
Doutorado em Ciências dos Alimentos
Universidade de São Paulo
Title: Purificação e caracterização parcial de amilases que participam do metabolismo do amido em banana (Musa spp.)
Obtained year: 2002
Advisor: Franco Maria Lajolo
Areas of expertise
- Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy
- Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Food Science and Technology
- Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Biochemistry
- Grande área: Health Sciences / Área: Nutrition
- Grande área: Health Sciences / Área: Pharmacy / Subárea: Bromatology