Embrapa Territorial
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The intense world demand for food together with environmental issues related to the sustainable use of natural resources draw a picture of search for the maximum efficiency in agricultural productivity, which involves greater efficiency in monitoring crop areas. Analytical tools capable of encompassing sample variation and territorial reach demand high costs for their operation and for the replication of results. Remote sensing has proved a very efficient tool for mapping/monitoring agricultu ...Status: Completed Start date: Thu Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011 |
Using the data declared by the farmers in the Brazilian Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) maintained by the Brazilian Forest System, this project intends to analyze areas destined for the preservation of native vegetation in rural properties, and legally assigned areas. This analysis is focused on a delimited territory (the State of Rondônia) and performed at increasing, successive levels, city > microregion > and the state of Rondônia, as requested by the Soybean Producers Association in Rondô ... Status: Completed Start date: Sun Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 |