
    A Embrapa na TV

    Debates, novidades e resultados da pesquisa agropecuária produzidos pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa e seus parceiros estão disponíveis também em vídeo.

    Visite a página de vídeos do Portal Embrapa para fazer uma busca (o mecanismo está integrado com o YouTube). É possível pesquisar por um termo específico e ainda filtrar os resultados por programas, ordenar por data, entre outros recursos.

Check Embrapa's channels on YouTube Check Embrapa's channels on YouTube

Videos on many topics, produced by several Embrapa research centers.  


This show is produced weekly by Embrapa Technological Information with the aim of disseminating technologies resulting from research developed by Embrapa and partners.


A partnership between Embrapa Temperate Agriculture and Emater Pelotas, the show targets issues related to agriculture and livestock in Southern Brazil.

Produced by Embrapa and EBC Services, the show brings specialists from many different areas of knowledge to discuss, inform, and update us on science and its advances, challenges, and impact on each one of our lives. 


The Radar da Tecnologia – Soja (Soybean Technology Radar) is Embrapa's video channel that specializes in technical issues related to soybean production in Brazil. The content is linked to the Soybean Technology Radar website, a multimedia communication vehicle that offers online learning opportunities, including lectures, publications, articles and interviews. They are all organized into themes, which makes locating content easier.

Tecnologia e Produção [Technology and Production] is a segment produced by Embrapa Beef Cattle (Campo Grande-MS) and the Brazilian Agribusiness System (SBA/Canal do Boi), broadcast daily in the show Mercado do Campo, Monday through Friday, starting at 15h05. The technical-scientific content is aimed at the farming sector, with a focus on beef and dairy cattle, sheep, and co-related areas.

Momento Embrapa Pecuária [Embrapa Cattle Moment] is a show produced by Embrapa Beef Cattle (Campo Grande-MS) and AgrobrasilTV, broadcast Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 06h30 and 14h. The diffusion of technological solutions generated by Embrapa is the show's main goal, within the scope of strengthening the Brazilian beef cattle production chain.