Carlos Antonio Fernandes Santos - Team
Office of the Deputy Head of: Research and Development
Sector: Núc Temático de Agrop Depend de Chuva
Date of Hire: 01/03/1985
Registration: 225117
Agricultural technician (Ceplac-EMARC-Uruçuca, BA), agronomist engineer (Famesf-UNEB, BA), master (UFViçosa) and PhD (UW-Madison, USA) in genetics and plant breeding. Visiting scientist at the Agricultural Research Service, SHRS, Florida, USA. Researcher at Embrapa since 1985. Scholarship of CNPq scientific productivity since 2010. Professor and permanent advisor since 2008 of the graduate program in plant genetic resources at the State University of Feira de Santana, BA. He was professor and permanent advisor of the graduate program in Agronomy (Plant Breeding) at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco from 2011 to 2019. Average of five scientific articles/year, in the last 10 years, in peer-reviewed journals. He worked in 1) pre-breeding and formation of the active germplasm bank (AGB) of Spondias tuberosa, 2) in the formation of the AGB and improvement of guava and other Psidium, 3) in the improvement of cowpea, 4) in the formation of the AGB and pigeonpea breeding, 5) the implementation of a mango breeding program, 5) the improvement and development of onion cultivars and hybrids. Over the last few years, it has developed and recommended and/or registered and/or protected at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply six cultivars of cowpea, three cultivars of onion, one of pigeon pea, four of umbuzeiro, a rootstock of Psidium resistant to Meloidogyne enterolobii. He was a member elected by peers from 1996 to 2008 of the Internal Technical Committee of Embrapa Semi-Arid.
1981 - 1984
Graduação em Agronomia
Universidade do Estado da Bahia
Obtained year: 1984
1992 - 1993
Mestrado em Genética e Melhoramento
Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Title: Análise de trilha e estimativas de parâmetros genéticos em progênies F6 de um cruzamento de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)
Obtained year: 1993
Advisor: Mucio Silva Reis
1998 - 2001
Doutorado em Plant Breeding & Plant Genetics
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Title: Biometrical studies and quantitative trait loci associated with major products of the carotenoid pathway of carrot (Daucus carota L.)
Obtained year: 2001
Advisor: Philipp W Simon
2015 - 2015
Pós-Doutorado em
Agricultural Research Service(ARS) - SHRS. Miami, Florida
Obtained year: 2015
Areas of expertise
- Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Genetics / Subárea: Plant Genetics / Especialidade: Genetica Biometrica
- Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Genetics / Subárea: Plant Genetics / Especialidade: Biometrics
- Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Genetics / Subárea: Molecular and Microorganism Genetics