Ladislau Martin Neto

Researcher Embrapa Instrumentation


Curriculum Lattes

Sector: General Head Office

Date of Hire: 01/06/1989

Registration: 247437


He holds a bachelor's degree in Physics from São Paulo's State University Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1981), a master's degree in Applied Physics from the Institute of Physics of São Carlos USP (1985) and a doctorate in Applied Physics from the Institute of Physics of São Carlos USP (1988) . He holds a postdoctoral degree from the University of California, Berkeley, USA, in soil science and environment (1994). He held the position of Executive Director of Research and Development of EMBRAPA, according to Presidential Decree of 19/12/2012, published in D.O.U. from 12/20/2012 to 7/19/2017. He has reassumed a position as researcher-doctor at the National Center for Research and Development of Agricultural Instrumentation, Embrapa Instrumentação, in São Carlos / SP, where he has been working since 1986. He was a Senior R & D Director on two occasions (1990-1992 and 1994-1997) Executive Secretary of the National Agricultural and Livestock Automation Program, Embrapa (1997-2001), General Manager of the Instrumentation Center of Embrapa in the period 2002-2006, and Coordinator of the Embrapa Labex Program in the United States of 2009-2011. He was appointed Member of the Advisory Committee on Agronomy at CNPq on October 1, 2012. He has experience in methods, techniques and instrumentation in agriculture, working mainly on the following topics: soil organic matter, soil carbon sequestration, global climate change , humic substances, metal and pesticide interactions in soil and water, electron paramagnetic resonance, laser fluorescence and uv-visible light, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance. He was President of the International Society of Humic Substances (IHSS) (2010-1012) and the first Latin American researcher to occupy such position in the IHSS, which was created in 1981 in the United States. She is a co-coordinator of the Croplands Research Group of the Global Alliance for Greenhouse Gas Research in Agriculture since February 2012.


1993 - 1994

Pós-Doutorado em

University of California System

Obtained year: 1994

1978 - 1981

Graduação em Licenciatura Em Física

Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho

Obtained year: 1981

1982 - 1985

Mestrado em Física Aplicada

Instituto de Física de São Carlos Usp

Title: Contribuição da técnica de RPE no estudo de três diferentes sistemas: Contribuição da técnica de RPE no estudo de três diferentes sistemas: Complexos de Cu(II) - aliina; Cu(II) DBFPO e hemoproteínas com diferentes graus de hidratação

Obtained year: 1985

Advisor: Prof Dr. Otaciro Rangel Nascimento

1985 - 1988

Doutorado em Física Aplicada

Instituto de Física de São Carlos Usp

Title: O papel da água de hidratação na estrutura e conformação de hemoproteínas visto pelas mudanças na simetria e estado de spin do centro ativo: Um estudo por ressonância paramagnética eletrônica

Obtained year: 1988

Advisor: Prof Dr. Otaciro Rangel Nascimento

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Physics / Subárea: Condensed Matter Physics
  2. Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Chemistry / Subárea: Analytical Chemistry / Especialidade: Trace Analysis and Environmental Chemistry
  3. Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Chemistry / Subárea: Physical Chemistry / Especialidade: Spectroscopy
  4. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Soil Science / Especialidade: Soil Chemistry
  5. Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Agronomy / Subárea: Soil Science / Especialidade: Soil Management and Conservation
  6. Grande área: Exact and Earth Sciences / Área: Physics / Subárea: Condensed Matter Physics / Especialidade: Ressonância Mag. e Relax. na Mat. Condens
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