Ladislau Araujo Skorupa - Team
Office of the Deputy Head of: Research and Development
Sector: Research Group
Date of Hire: 07/07/1989
Registration: 257310
bachelor's at Engenharia Florestal from Universidade de Brasília (1986) and doctorate at Botany from Universidade de São Paulo (1996). Has experience in Forest Resources and Forestry Engineering, focusing on Recovery of Areas Degraded and Crop-Livestock-Forest integration (ICLF)
1982 - 1986
Graduação em Engenharia Florestal
Universidade de Brasília
Obtained year: 1986
1991 - 1996
Doutorado em Ciências Biológicas (Botânica)
Universidade de São Paulo
Title: Revisão taxonônica de Pilocarpus" Vahl (Rutaceae)
Obtained year: 1996
Advisor: José Rubens Pirani
Areas of expertise
- Grande área: Agricultural Sciences / Área: Forest resources and Forest Engineering / Subárea: Nature Conservation / Especialidade: Recovery of Degraded Areas
- Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Botany / Subárea: Applied botany
- Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Botany / Subárea: Plant taxonomy