Catia Silene Klein

Researcher Embrapa Swine & Poultry


Curriculum Lattes

Office of the Deputy Head of: Research and Development

Role: Deputy Head of Research Center

Date of Hire: 24/08/1989

Registration: 260247


Biologist from the University of Contestado - UnC (1991) and master in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the Center for Biotechnology of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS (2000). Researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA Swine and Poultry), working in Veterinary Microbiology - respiratory and enteric diseases of swine, caused by bacteria. Work on regulatory matters related to Law 13.123/2015 (Biodiversity Law), responsible at Embrapa Swine and Poultry for the registration, in SisGen, of research and activities with access to genetic heritage. I have experience in the development of ELISA tests, vaccines, optimization of molecular techniques, laboratory diagnosis and research projects in the following swine diseases: swine pleuropneumonia, Glässer's disease, atrophic rhinitis, enzootic/mycoplasmal pneumonia, colibacillosis. Curator of the Collection of Microorganisms of Interest in Swine and Poultry Farming (CMISEA). I #8203;#8203;participate in projects for the management of microbial genetic resources and in the Management Committee of the Genetic Resources Program (REGEN) of Embrapa. Member of the Local Intellectual Property Committee (CLPI) of Embrapa Swine and Poultry and, currently, in the role of Deputy Head of Research and Development (CHPD) and President of the Scientific Technical Committee (CTI) of Embrapa Swine and Poultry.


1998 - 2000

Mestrado em Biologia Celular e Molecular

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Title: Cápsula e superóxido dismutase como fatores de virulênica em Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

Obtained year: 2000

Advisor: Irene Silveira Schrank

1987 - 1991

Graduação em Ciências Habilitação Em Biologia

Fundação Educacional do Alto Uruguai Catarinense

Title: Produção de soros hiperimunes para os antígenos O de Escherichia coli em coelhos

Obtained year: 1991

Advisor: Maria Aparecida Vasconcelos Paiva Brito

Areas of expertise

  1. Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Microbiology
  2. Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Genetics / Subárea: Molecular and Microorganism Genetics
  3. Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Biochemistry / Subárea: Molecular Biology
  4. Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Immunology / Subárea: Applied Immunology
  5. Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: Immunology
  6. Grande área: Biological Sciences / Área: General biology / Subárea: Cellular Biology
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